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Premiato come miglior software per premi e incentivi da G2 crowd nel 2023

Engage, reward, retain with Xoxoday's discount marketplace

Engage and delight your audiences with exciting discounts through our plug-and-play store featuring thousands of exclusive deals. Whether you're aiming to captivate your users, treat your employees, or enhance community engagement, our discount marketplace offers a plethora of benefits to suit your needs.

Cliccando su "continua" si accettano le condizioni d'uso e l'informativa sulla privacy.

Diffondere il piacere a oltre 2 milioni di utenti con oltre 1500 aziende di tutte le dimensioni

Global discount marketplace to make gifting easy for you, delightful for them

Senza codice, incentrato sulle API

È facile iniziare a lavorare con il nostro marketplace senza codice in pochi minuti, oppure integrarlo nel flusso della vostra applicazione utilizzando le nostre librerie API.

Multilingue e multivaluta

Trascendete i confini geografici e offrite offerte localizzate a un pubblico globale nella valuta e nella lingua che preferite.

Vetrina con etichetta bianca

Personalizzate la vetrina con l'estetica del vostro marchio e curate i marchi e i prodotti per offrire una piacevole esperienza di riscatto agli utenti finali.

The world’s larget discount marketplace with exciting perks and discounts

Here's what sets us apart:

Unlock exclusive deals

  • Access deals and offers of up to 60% from top global brands like Tripadvisor, Zoomcar, Blaupunkt, and many more. 
  • Choose from categories including entertainment, electronics, health and fitness, food and dining, and travel. 
  • Curate the offers you want without the hassle of sourcing or managing vendors.

Discounts & cashback on gift cards

  • Treat your users to discounts and cashback of up to 8% on gift cards from hundreds of top brands like Amazon, Nike, Starbucks, TGI Fridays, and more. 
  • Offer cards across categories such as e-commerce, grocery, fashion, travel, jewelry, and entertainment. 
  • Customize your selection and provide flexibility in denominations, with upfront discounts and cashback and no hidden terms and conditions.

Limitless possibilities

Our perks and discounts store offers versatility for various objectives:

  • Launch your own offers and discounts store within your app.
  • Engage with community members in your co-working space.
  • Enhance employee engagement with exclusive perks.
  • Increase user engagement and retention through discounted deals.

Largest discount marketplace connected to your business

Whether it's webinars, survey rewards, customer loyalty programs, or employee recognition, Xoxoday’s gift cards from the discount marketplace cater to everyone's unique needs. Xoxoday is your backbone for global rewards, incentives & payouts.


Clienti con oltre 2 milioni di utenti finali


Opzione di pagamento con marchio in più di 75 paesi


Premi distribuiti su scala globale
* Sostenuto da metriche di utilizzo del prodotto e da sondaggi tra gli utenti.

Altri motivi per scegliere Plum

Rapporti completi

Ricevi i rapporti nella tua casella di posta elettronica o usa la nostra dashboard per ottenere informazioni sul successo del tuo programma di ricompense.


Trascendete le geografie senza problemi di conversione. Consegnate i regali elettronici nella valuta che preferite.

Sicurezza e conformità

Xoxoday soddisfa i più elevati standard di certificazione per contribuire a ridurre gli oneri di conformità per la vostra azienda.

Un supporto di cui i team si fidano

Assistenza 24*7 con tempi di risposta del 99,9%. Assistenza per l'installazione, supporto per il riscatto, chat e assistenza via e-mail.

Assistenza clienti eccellente
Our employees use Empuls more than any other social media platform - including Linkedin and Facebook. Today, our social connections are built in the office and Empuls helps amplify those connections. We love how the Rewards and Recognition Engine works - it's smooth and easy to use!
Premiante per le risorse umane, piacevole per i dipendenti
I recommend Empuls because it's absolutely user friendly. It's our internal Facebook that connects associates across locations, and a critical tool to engage and understand our associates better.
Team reattivi con il 100% di uptime
Empuls survey helped us know that we weren't acknowledging significant milestones. That changed with Empuls recognition and rewards. Now we use surveys extensively to improve the employee experience.
Grande gamma di premi globali
Empuls has every reward and recognition option, helping us bring complete transparency. The fact that the platform is interactive and interesting leads people to visit and use it often thereby increasing adoption rates.
Un superpotere per i marketer in crescita
Empuls seamlessly integrated with our existing systems. We wanted a solution that appealed to the entire generational spectrum and was inclusive. Empuls helped us improve employee morale and engagement levels.

Ready to revolutionize engagement and delight your audiences like never before?

Take action now and experience the benefits of Xoxoday discount marketplace.

  • Drive user engagement and loyalty effortlessly
  • Enhance employee satisfaction and retention
  • Elevate customer experience and satisfaction
  • Boost community engagement and interaction

Don't miss out on the opportunity to unlock a world of perks and discounts with just a click. Leverage Xoxoday Discount Marketplace today and start transforming your audience's experience! 

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Soluzioni di ricompensa
Carte regalo con marchio