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Premiato come miglior software per premi e incentivi da G2 crowd nel 2023

Crypto rewards to liquidify the rewarding journey

Trade or exchange crypto tokens for e-rewards to add liquidity and flexibility to reward programs. Use digital gift cards as crypto rewards through Xoxoday to provide your users with an innovative method of using their cryptocurrency.

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We are a partner for renowned crypto exchanges

Offer control, flexibility, and choice to crypto-users in how they utilize their cryptocurrency

Send region-specific gifts

Effortlessly send digital gifts tailored to specific regions for your global user base and remove worries about currency conversion or selecting from catalogs. Use reward Links, Codes, or Points sent through SMS, Email, or WhatsApp.

Integrate the Xoxoday marketplace with your technology using scalable APIs. Customize the marketplace to your preferences and let the Single Sign-On (SSO) mechanism effortlessly grant users access. Send vouchers instantly through APIs for immediate payout processing.

Easy integration for scalibility

Specifically tailored for crypto-users

Xoxoday facilitates integration of branded assets throughout the marketplace based on the cryptocurrency. You can easily choose your preferred currency and denomination and establish personalized rules to match your unique needs.

Xoxoday crypto rewards to unlock real-time insights

Get constantly updated data because of bidirectional synchronization and gain valuable insights to make decisions based on data. Also, give your recipients flexibility by allowing them to redeem gifts as a crypto reward from a catalog boasting over 1+ million reward options and more than 5000+ international brands.

Increase adoption rate and allure new users

  • Leverage the popularity of gift cards and excite individuals not yet involved in cryptocurrency to engage in buying, holding, and selling digital assets on their platform. 
  • Provide a tailored and personalized experience for newcomers and speed up the overall adoption of cryptocurrency.

Use crypto rewards in simple steps

  • Register and set up your accounts. 
  • Then initiate a gift campaign after selecting your preferred delivery method among Link, Points, or Code via API. Customize the branding and messaging in payout campaigns. 
  • Ensures a hassle-free one-click payout and redemption experience for users within the ecosystem, with various rewards available.

Enhance revenue growth with crypto rewards

  • Use the Xoxoday Crypto API to enhance revenue growth as your user base expands and engagement intensifies. 
  • Reduce customer churn by providing personalized rewards, boost customer engagement, and diversify revenue streams by offering flexibility and choice in how customers utilize their currency. 
  • Maintain user satisfaction, foster community loyalty, and explore new avenues for revenue generation by using the real-time data from the analytical dashboard.

Extend the market influence with newly integrated crypto rewards

Attract non-crypto users by providing traditional gift cards and encourage them to engage in buying, holding, and selling crypto on their platform. Tailor the experience for a fresh user demographic and directly impact cryptocurrency adoption. Notice:


of crypto enthusiasts are spending, not holding


million crypto users plan to make purchases using Crypto


million is the average portfolio of respondents
* Sostenuto da metriche di utilizzo del prodotto e da sondaggi tra gli utenti.

Altri motivi per scegliere Plum

Rapporti completi

Ricevi i rapporti nella tua casella di posta elettronica o usa la nostra dashboard per ottenere informazioni sul successo del tuo programma di ricompense.


Trascendete le geografie senza problemi di conversione. Consegnate i regali elettronici nella valuta che preferite.

Sicurezza e conformità

Xoxoday soddisfa i più elevati standard di certificazione per contribuire a ridurre gli oneri di conformità per la vostra azienda.

Un supporto di cui i team si fidano

Assistenza 24*7 con tempi di risposta del 99,9%. Assistenza per l'installazione, supporto per il riscatto, chat e assistenza via e-mail.

Ensure security and compliance through xoxoday crypto rewards

Prioritize security and compliance to reduce regulatory burdens and ensure the safety of payouts for your business. Xoxoday offers:

  • Secure connections through HTTPS and HSTS protocols.
  • A vulnerability disclosure and reward program.
  • Adherence to global standards such as WCAG, SOC II, ISO 27001, CCPA, HIPAA, and GDPR
  • Robust checks and processes including VAPT, code reviews, BCP, firewalls, IDS, logging, monitoring, MFA, data encryption, and code audits.

Integrate Xoxoday to experience the future of cryptocurrency exchanges.

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