Premiato come miglior software per premi e incentivi da G2 crowd nel 2023

Mobile customer engagement solution to provide personalized and convenient experience

Enmesh Xoxoday to increase customer satisfaction and loyalty by providing them with personalized rewards anytime, anywhere. Stay connected with your targeted segment of mobile-first people on the phone to deliver customized rewards accordingly.

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Fiducia da parte di oltre 3000 clienti in tutto il mondo

Bring real-time engagement with your customers into the picture with Xoxoday

Enabling loyalty amongst the clients

Integrate your business with our mobile customer engagement solution to implement loyalty programs, promotions, and incentives.

Customize the rewards accordingly

Customize rewards and incentives based on customer behavior, preferences, and interactions curated from reports and analytics.

Facilitate a long-lasting relationship

Foster a sense of loyalty, and encourage repeat business for your targeted consumers.

Enhance customer experience and engagement through improved interaction with mobile customer engagement solutions

Xoxoday enhances customer satisfaction, loyalty, and overall business success, providing a seamless experience to reward the targeted customers.

Provide omnichannel support for seamlessness

  • Deliver rewards on multiple channels, including SMS and emails.
  • Reach customers through various touchpoints, increasing the likelihood of successful communication.

Drive a loyalty engine focused on reducing customer churn rate

  • Offer rewards and incentives through mobile customer engagement solutions to reduce customer churn. 
  • Retain existing customers via reward contribution to significantly impact customer retention.
  • Create a customized loyalty program to cater to the audience and drive continuous engagement at every communication touchpoint.

Let analytics and curated reports decide your next move

  • Collect valuable data about customer behavior, preferences, and interactions,
  • Analyze the curated data to gain insights into customer trends and enable informed decisions about marketing strategies, product development, and customer service improvements.

Prioritize mobile loyalty program with a mobile customer engagement solution and notice


Più ritenzione


Riduzione dei costi di acquisizione dei clienti


Aumentare il valore della vita del cliente
* Sostenuto da metriche di utilizzo del prodotto e da sondaggi tra gli utenti.

Altri motivi per scegliere Plum

Rapporti completi

Ricevi i rapporti nella tua casella di posta elettronica o usa la nostra dashboard per ottenere informazioni sul successo del tuo programma di ricompense.


Trascendete le geografie senza problemi di conversione. Consegnate i regali elettronici nella valuta che preferite.

Sicurezza e conformità

Xoxoday soddisfa i più elevati standard di certificazione per contribuire a ridurre gli oneri di conformità per la vostra azienda.

Un supporto di cui i team si fidano

Assistenza 24*7 con tempi di risposta del 99,9%. Assistenza per l'installazione, supporto per il riscatto, chat e assistenza via e-mail.

Tutti amano le ricompense, se fatte bene

Self-service, veloce da impostare e facile da usare

La piattaforma è autonoma, rapida da configurare e facile da usare. Il valore aggiunto è rappresentato dalla possibilità di creare landing page che si attivano per mostrare premi localizzati, contribuendo a stimolare il coinvolgimento.

Sandeep John
Responsabile del marketing sul campo
logo freshworks

Put customer engagement at the forefront of your business with Xoxoday

Drive engagement between customers and your business can lead your users into the brand advocates. Xoxoday’s mobile customer engagement solution encourages customers to be more engaged through worldwide, multicurrency architectural rewards, thriving the expansion of the customer base.

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Reward solutions
Branded gift cards