Increase customer engagement by offering points for various in-game activities with incentivized game points, such as completing levels, accomplishing tasks, or participating in events. Xoxoday offers fast payouts, multicurrency options, and more.
Collaborate with Xoxoday to obtain rewards tailored for gamers and gaming partners worldwide. Get exposed to over 21,000 reward options and experiences meticulously curated across over 70 categories.
Monetize rewarding opportunities beyond direct purchases to acquire new players through referrals. Offer valuable rewards in exchange for accumulated points to foster customer loyalty.
Recognize the invaluable efforts of valued chain collaborators beyond traditional monetary incentives. Use our branded currency or tailored prepaid gift cards. Personalize with a note, logo, or throughout the process.
Xoxoday offers to incentivize at the departmental level and allows customized reward solutions tailored to gaming companies' unique goals and structures.
Monetize the experience with fast payouts, custom plans tailored to different budgets, a global rewards catalog, and seamless integrations with preferred platforms, and notice:
Ricevi i rapporti nella tua casella di posta elettronica o usa la nostra dashboard per ottenere informazioni sul successo del tuo programma di ricompense.
Trascendete le geografie senza problemi di conversione. Consegnate i regali elettronici nella valuta che preferite.
Xoxoday soddisfa i più elevati standard di certificazione per contribuire a ridurre gli oneri di conformità per la vostra azienda.
Assistenza 24*7 con tempi di risposta del 99,9%. Assistenza per l'installazione, supporto per il riscatto, chat e assistenza via e-mail.
Integrate branded currency, personalized rewards, and departmental-level customization along with the ability to automate campaign types and reward distribution through Xoxoday.