Premiato come miglior software per premi e incentivi da G2 crowd nel 2023

Customer engagement platform for hospitality to redefine engagement and connectivity

Access Xoxoday to implement a modernized rewarding experience as an improved customer engagement tactic. Choose from 30,000+ reward choices over 25+ categories by simply integrating the Xoxoday APIs into your ecosystem for an intuitive end-user experience.

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Fiducia da parte di oltre 3000 clienti in tutto il mondo

Combine the power of assessment and rewards to chart out excellence to the customers

Command the loyalty logic

Automate loyalty rewards, aligning them with your business’s values and logic for a seamless operation.

Redefine the power of assessment

Xoxoday’s intuitive dashboard is designed to integrate Loyalty API that fastracks the assessment of trends, response, user behavior, and more.

Tailored specifically to cater to your demands

Xoxoday has been a trusted partner for global brands across verticals for processing countless rewards with an impressive 99% uptime

Unlock the largest rewards marketplace to cater to a wide-stretched customer pool in the diverse hospitality sector with Xoxoday

Xoxoday’s customer engagement platform for hospitality is specifically designed to provide a seamless reward experience that generates engagement and a sense of exclusivity for the customers.

Introduce an earn-and-burn system to your customers

  • Implement a strategic initiative to incentivize repeat purchases and cultivate stronger customer loyalty.
  • Personalize the rewarding experience of the customers with a customer engagement platform for hospitality by allocating reward points based on their respective triggers. 
  • Make the redemption process diverse by including multi-currency architecture in your system.

Redefine the loyalty of your customers by introducing a tiered-based system

  • Introduce a tiered-based system for improved engagement amongst the customers. 
  • Deliver customizable rewards program to captivate customers and ensure long-term engagement, leading to enhanced Customer Lifetime Value (CLV).
  • Improve customer experience by focusing on defined trigger points for an immersive user journey.

Gamify the process of rewarding for improved loyalty and reduced turnover

  • Keep your customers hooked to your brand with a customer engagement platform for hospitality by introducing exciting offers through a gamified process.
  • Encourage recurring behavior by providing pre-negotiated deals and positively driving customer acquisition. 
  • Heighten the brand value with pre-negotiated deals that come at a lower cost for companies.

Xoxoday’s customer engagement platform for hospitality can help you achieve


Più ritenzione


Riduzione dei costi di acquisizione dei clienti


Aumentare il valore della vita del cliente
* Sostenuto da metriche di utilizzo del prodotto e da sondaggi tra gli utenti.

Altri motivi per scegliere Plum

Rapporti completi

Ricevi i rapporti nella tua casella di posta elettronica o usa la nostra dashboard per ottenere informazioni sul successo del tuo programma di ricompense.


Trascendete le geografie senza problemi di conversione. Consegnate i regali elettronici nella valuta che preferite.

Sicurezza e conformità

Xoxoday soddisfa i più elevati standard di certificazione per contribuire a ridurre gli oneri di conformità per la vostra azienda.

Un supporto di cui i team si fidano

Assistenza 24*7 con tempi di risposta del 99,9%. Assistenza per l'installazione, supporto per il riscatto, chat e assistenza via e-mail.

Tutti amano le ricompense, se fatte bene

Self-service, veloce da impostare e facile da usare

La piattaforma è autonoma, rapida da configurare e facile da usare. Il valore aggiunto è rappresentato dalla possibilità di creare landing page che si attivano per mostrare premi localizzati, contribuendo a stimolare il coinvolgimento.

Sandeep John
Responsabile del marketing sul campo
logo freshworks

Improve the engagement of the wide customer base in the hospitality industry with Xoxoday

Improving the Customer Lifetime Value depends solely on the engagement a company drives within the customer base. Introduce a customer engagement platform for hospitality to provide a distinctive and customizable rewards program with tier-based options to ensure long-term engagement.

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Reward solutions
Branded gift cards