Supercharge in-app purchases

with gamified promos

Minimize user drop-offs and maximize your app's adoption rates by deploying gamified promotional campaigns that promise engaging, reward-filled experiences. Tackle high CAC and enhance your ARPU (Average Revenue Per User) with a value offer that keeps your users coming back for more.
Use Xoxoday's rewards platform to quickly design and launch time-sensitive in-app reward programs. Drive app engagement, fuel purchases, and hit sales targets faster.

Dipercaya oleh perusahaan terkemuka di seluruh dunia

Memberikan pengalaman berharga yang ditargetkan dan dipersonalisasi

Sesuaikan pengalaman berharga Anda untuk pelanggan, mitra, dan karyawan dan puaskan mereka secara instan
Integrate rewards into your app and user flow
  • Use cross-platform SDKs & APIs to embed rewards and incentives into your client applications.
  • Incentivize any in-app touchpoints (e.g. Purchase or KYB event) to either award points or send instant rewards.
Build your preferred gamified mechanism
  • Pick your gamified mechanism like Lucky wheels, Scratch-offs, Instant Wins, QR codes, Interactive forms, etc., and get it designed the way you want.
  • Incentivize positive user actions to drive app usage adoption and activity.
Excite global users with localized promos
  • Send localized digital rewards that your app users prefer without worrying about currency conversions.
  • Excite users by letting them redeem rewards from a catalog featuring 26000+ gift options and 5000+ global brands.
Lacak status pengiriman hadiah secara real time
  • Pantau status pengiriman dan penukaran hadiah secara real-time sambil melihat anggaran dan pengeluaran Anda secara menyeluruh.
  • Manfaatkan kemampuan multi-admin yang membantu Anda meningkatkan skala sistem di berbagai pemangku kepentingan.

Getting started with Xoxoday Plum is only a 3-step process!

Select the product / plan / feature you want to run the promotional offer for. Tie it with Xoxoday’s attractive digital rewards and show them prominently to drive desired action.

Inspire your app users to take a specific action. It could be to upgrade their existing plan, buy a product, or get them to try your app’s new feature.

Upon a successful action, send e-gifts to your users, either in the form of code (best for one-time purchases) or point (best for repeat purchases) or link (best for single-click redemption).   

Select the product / plan / feature you want to run the promotional offer for. Tie it with Xoxoday’s attractive digital rewards and show them prominently to drive desired action.

Inspire your app users to take a specific action. It could be to upgrade their existing plan, buy a product, or get them to try your app’s new feature.

Upon a successful action, send e-gifts to your users, either in the form of code (best for one-time purchases) or point (best for repeat purchases) or link (best for single-click redemption).   

Rewards drive in-app purchases and brings you closer to your sales goals

Boost conversion rates and drives sales
Rewards can act as a persuasive element in users' buying decisions. They are more likely to make in-app purchases when they know they will get additional benefits or discounts through the rewards program.
Increase app usage and engagement 
Rewards incentivize users to actively interact with the app to earn points, discounts, or other benefits. This increased engagement leads to more frequent visits, longer sessions, and higher overall user activity.
Create upselling and cross-selling opportunities
Through rewards, businesses can entice users to explore additional products or premium features. This creates opportunities for upselling and cross-selling, increasing the average revenue per user.

Genuine experiences from our customers speak volumes!

The integration process was a breeze, and we were up and running in no time.
Xoxoday’s technology has been an absolute game-changer in driving engagement and boosting in-app purchases. From the moment we integrated their rewards platform into our app, we noticed a remarkable transformation in user participation and enthusiasm. The seamless integration process itself was a breeze, and we were up and running in no time.
— A famous travel app
We loved the real-time metrics their tool offers!
Their comprehensive catalog with diverse offerings was one of the major reasons we opted for them. We loved the real-time metrics, as it empowered us to make data-driven decisions, optimize our promotional strategies, and fine-tune our offerings for maximum user satisfaction.
— A renowned lifestyle app

Platform kelas enterprise yang sepenuhnya aman dan dirancang untuk meningkatkan skala

Perlindungan data merupakan hal yang paling penting di Xoxoday, dan kami berkomitmen untuk menyediakan ekosistem loyalitas yang aman, terjamin, dan patuh untuk bisnis.

Supercharge in-app purchases

with gamified promos

Minimize user drop-offs and maximize your app's adoption rates by deploying gamified promotional campaigns that promise engaging, reward-filled experiences. Tackle high CAC and enhance your ARPU (Average Revenue Per User) with a value offer that keeps your users coming back for more.
Use Xoxoday's rewards platform to quickly design and launch time-sensitive in-app reward programs. Drive app engagement, fuel purchases, and hit sales targets faster.
Ini adalah beberapa teks di dalam blok div.
Ini adalah beberapa teks di dalam blok div.
Ini adalah beberapa teks di dalam blok div.
Integrate rewards into your app and user flow
  • Use cross-platform SDKs & APIs to embed rewards and incentives into your client applications.
  • Incentivize any in-app touchpoints (e.g. Purchase or KYB event) to either award points or send instant rewards.
Build your preferred gamified mechanism
  • Pick your gamified mechanism like Lucky wheels, Scratch-offs, Instant Wins, QR codes, Interactive forms, etc., and get it designed the way you want.
  • Incentivize positive user actions to drive app usage adoption and activity.
Excite global users with localized promos
  • Send localized digital rewards that your app users prefer without worrying about currency conversions.
  • Excite users by letting them redeem rewards from a catalog featuring 26000+ gift options and 5000+ global brands.
Lacak status pengiriman hadiah secara real time
  • Pantau status pengiriman dan penukaran hadiah secara real-time sambil melihat anggaran dan pengeluaran Anda secara menyeluruh.
  • Manfaatkan kemampuan multi-admin yang membantu Anda meningkatkan skala sistem di berbagai pemangku kepentingan.

Rewards drive in-app purchases and brings you closer to your sales goals

Boost conversion rates and drives sales
Rewards can act as a persuasive element in users' buying decisions. They are more likely to make in-app purchases when they know they will get additional benefits or discounts through the rewards program.
Increase app usage and engagement 
Rewards incentivize users to actively interact with the app to earn points, discounts, or other benefits. This increased engagement leads to more frequent visits, longer sessions, and higher overall user activity.
Create upselling and cross-selling opportunities
Through rewards, businesses can entice users to explore additional products or premium features. This creates opportunities for upselling and cross-selling, increasing the average revenue per user.

Getting started with Xoxoday Plum is only a 3-step process!

Select the product / plan / feature you want to run the promotional offer for. Tie it with Xoxoday’s attractive digital rewards and show them prominently to drive desired action.

Inspire your app users to take a specific action. It could be to upgrade their existing plan, buy a product, or get them to try your app’s new feature.

Upon a successful action, send e-gifts to your users, either in the form of code (best for one-time purchases) or point (best for repeat purchases) or link (best for single-click redemption).   

Select the product / plan / feature you want to run the promotional offer for. Tie it with Xoxoday’s attractive digital rewards and show them prominently to drive desired action.

Inspire your app users to take a specific action. It could be to upgrade their existing plan, buy a product, or get them to try your app’s new feature.

Upon a successful action, send e-gifts to your users, either in the form of code (best for one-time purchases) or point (best for repeat purchases) or link (best for single-click redemption).   

Getting started with Xoxoday Plum is only a 3-step process!

Langkah 1:  
Run promo offer

Select the product / plan / feature you want to run the promotional offer for. Tie it with Xoxoday’s attractive digital rewards and show them prominently to drive desired action.

Langkah 2:
Trigger action

Inspire your app users to take a specific action. It could be to upgrade their existing plan, buy a product, or get them to try your app’s new feature.

Langkah 3:
Reward and delight

Upon a successful action, send e-gifts to your users, either in the form of code (best for one-time purchases) or point (best for repeat purchases) or link (best for single-click redemption).   

Getting started with Xoxoday Plum is only a 3-step process!

Langkah 1:  
Run promo offer

Select the product / plan / feature you want to run the promotional offer for. Tie it with Xoxoday’s attractive digital rewards and show them prominently to drive desired action.

Langkah 2:  
Trigger action

Inspire your app users to take a specific action. It could be to upgrade their existing plan, buy a product, or get them to try your app’s new feature.

Langkah 3:  
Reward and delight

Upon a successful action, send e-gifts to your users, either in the form of code (best for one-time purchases) or point (best for repeat purchases) or link (best for single-click redemption).   

Getting started with Xoxoday Plum is only a 3-step process!

Langkah 1:
Run promo offer

Select the product / plan / feature you want to run the promotional offer for. Tie it with Xoxoday’s attractive digital rewards and show them prominently to drive desired action.

Langkah 1:
Trigger action

Inspire your app users to take a specific action. It could be to upgrade their existing plan, buy a product, or get them to try your app’s new feature.

Langkah 1:
Reward and delight

Upon a successful action, send e-gifts to your users, either in the form of code (best for one-time purchases) or point (best for repeat purchases) or link (best for single-click redemption).   

Getting started with Xoxoday Plum is only a 3-step process!

Langkah 1:
Run promo offer

Select the product / plan / feature you want to run the promotional offer for. Tie it with Xoxoday’s attractive digital rewards and show them prominently to drive desired action.

Langkah 1:
Trigger action

Inspire your app users to take a specific action. It could be to upgrade their existing plan, buy a product, or get them to try your app’s new feature.

Langkah 1:
Reward and delight

Upon a successful action, send e-gifts to your users, either in the form of code (best for one-time purchases) or point (best for repeat purchases) or link (best for single-click redemption).   

Marketers from top brands run their promotional campaigns with us

Genuine experiences from our customers speak volumes!

The integration process was a breeze, and we were up and running in no time.
Xoxoday’s technology has been an absolute game-changer in driving engagement and boosting in-app purchases. From the moment we integrated their rewards platform into our app, we noticed a remarkable transformation in user participation and enthusiasm. The seamless integration process itself was a breeze, and we were up and running in no time.
— A famous travel app
We loved the real-time metrics their tool offers!
Their comprehensive catalog with diverse offerings was one of the major reasons we opted for them. We loved the real-time metrics, as it empowered us to make data-driven decisions, optimize our promotional strategies, and fine-tune our offerings for maximum user satisfaction.
— A renowned lifestyle app

Keamanan dan kepatuhan pada intinya

Xoxoday memenuhi standar sertifikasi tertinggi untuk membantu mengurangi beban kepatuhan bagi bisnis Anda dan menjaga pembayaran tetap aman.
Inilah yang ditawarkan oleh Xoxoday :
HTTPS dan HSTS untuk koneksi yang aman
Pengungkapan kerentanan dan program penghargaan
Platform ini mematuhi semua standar global termasuk WCAG, SOC II, ISO 27001, CCPA, HIPPA, dan GDPR
Pemeriksaan dan proses seperti VAPT, tinjauan kode, BCP, firewall, IDS, pencatatan, pemantauan, MFA, enkripsi data, dan audit kode.