Awarded as best rewards and incentives software by G2 crowd in 2022

Redefine CRM engagement with appealing rewards

Turn your CRM into an engagement magnet! Add irresistible rewards and watch customer interactions light up. Drive ROI for your strategic, ABM campaigns with exciting e-gifts.

Amplify impact with tailored reward systems and smart automation

Connect with any CRM and automate

Integrate with Hubspot, Salesforce, MS Dynamics, Active Campaign, or any CRM to fetch customer data. Create automated reward workflows in no time.

Personalize your sales campaigns

Create attractive reward emails using predesigned templates while personalizing it with your brand logo, colors, and a special message.

Send rewards globally in different modes

Delight your prospects and customers with localized gifts of their choice in the form of Codes/Points/Links. Deliver rewards via SMS, email, or WhatsApp.

Get detailed reward data insights

Give a one-click redemption experience in a currency and language your recipients prefer. View the rewards delivered and redeemed by them in real-time in a clear dashboard.

Elevate your ABM campaigns with customizable rewards integration

Integrate effortlessly, automate reward schedules, and manage bulk distributions with our versatile rewards system.

Integrate our rewards engine into your CRM

Enjoy a seamless and improved user experience by easily integrating our gift platform with your existing CRM (Hubspot, Salesforce, MS Dynamics 365, Zoho CRM, Freshworks, Active Campaign, and more).

  • One-click integration that’s seamless.
  • No additional software installations required.
  • No writing complex codes or depending on developers.

Send on-demand or automated rewards

Create customized reward workflows for ABM or any marketing campaigns to deliver on-demand and automated rewards.

  • Set up custom triggers and automated workflows to deliver timely rewards.
  • Implement tailored triggers that auto-sends rewards based on prospect/customer action.
  • Send digital gifts for activities such as meeting bookings, demo requests, attending webinars, referring customers, or finalizing deals.

Kirim hadiah ke hingga 10 ribu penerima sekaligus

Send rewards in the form of Codes / Points / Links individually or in bulk (to up to 10K recipients). Deliver them via SMS, email, or WhatsApp.

  • Send gifts instantly to up to 10K recipients at once using file upload or API.
  • Atur denominasi dalam mata uang yang Anda inginkan ($, €, ¥, ₹, £) tanpa kerumitan konversi
  • Schedule payments in advance for timely disbursements.

Maximize sales and ABM success inside CRM with our rewards platform

Turn your CRM into a powerhouse for sales and ABM campaigns. Our rewards platform is equipped with all the features you need for scaling success.

API-first platform

Xoxoday Plum seamlessly connects with any of your existing tools to automate your rewards program and save time.

Compliant and secure

Our platform is highly secure and is ISO, SoC2, and GDPR certified to keep your business away from compliance burdens.

Mengirimkan melalui omni channel

Kirimkan kartu hadiah elektronik dan kartu prabayar virtual melalui SMS, email, atau WhatsApp untuk menjangkau penerima yang proaktif.

Pay only on redemption

With on-redemption pricing, you only pay for the claimed rewards, helping you save on business costs.

Menambahkan beberapa admin

Benefit from multi-admin capabilities that help you scale the rewards system across multiple stakeholders.

Melacak dan melaporkan

Pantau status pengiriman dan penukaran hadiah secara real-time sambil melihat anggaran dan pengeluaran Anda secara menyeluruh.

Integrasikan dengan aplikasi yang sudah Anda gunakan

Making it easier for you to run your awesome Survey campaigns

5000+ customers globally use Plum to fuel growth

"Sangat responsif dengan waktu aktif 100%"

Berkat Xoxoday, kami sekarang dapat mengotomatiskan pengadaan dan distribusi insentif, sehingga menghemat biaya dan waktu. Pengalaman responden online secara keseluruhan juga sangat baik.

Ravi Gour - Pemimpin Panel Regional (Asia-Pasifik), Nielsen

Baca studi kasus
"Platform ini melayani sendiri, cepat disiapkan, mudah digunakan"

Penambahan nilai datang dengan kemampuan untuk membuat halaman arahan yang dipicu untuk menampilkan hadiah yang dilokalkan, yang membantu bisnis kami dalam mendorong keterlibatan. Saya juga menghargai dukungan penukaran hadiah yang luar biasa yang kalian berikan.

Sandeep John - Kepala pemasaran lapangan, Asia Tenggara, Freshworks

Baca studi kasus
"Negara Adidaya bagi para pemasar yang sedang bertumbuh"

Xoxoday adalah kekuatan super yang dapat digunakan oleh setiap pemasar yang sedang bertumbuh untuk melakukan banyak hal! Xoxoday telah menjadi nilai tambah yang luar biasa bagi Xero. Kami mencapai pertumbuhan 20% dari tahun ke tahun dan ini adalah kinerja yang brilian bagi kami.

Matt Wale - Kepala Pemasaran Pertumbuhan, Xero

Baca studi kasus
"Peningkatan efisiensi pemberian penghargaan - 52% karyawan"

Karyawan kami sangat menyukai proses penghargaan Xoxoday . Layanan pelanggan yang mereka tawarkan luar biasa dan patut dipuji. Itu adalah kriteria paling penting bagi kami untuk memutuskan mereka.

Mitra Bisnis Sumber Daya Manusia, H&M

Baca studi kasus
"100% resolusi pelanggan sesuai SLA"

Xoxoday Plum memiliki keunggulan dibandingkan agregator dan merek lain karena sedikitnya pilihan yang mereka sediakan untuk penukaran. Metode dasbor hadiah untuk memberi hadiah adalah cara yang jauh lebih cepat dan lebih cerdas untuk menerapkan strategi pemberian hadiah.

Biju Samuel, Capgemini

Baca studi kasus
"Sangat responsif dengan waktu aktif 100%"

Thanks to Plum, we can now automate the incentive procurement and distribution, thus saving high costs and time. The overall online respondent experience has also been excellent.

Ravi Gour - Pemimpin Panel Regional (Asia-Pasifik), Nielsen

Baca studi kasus
"Platform ini melayani sendiri, cepat disiapkan, mudah digunakan"

The value addition came in with the ability to create landing pages that triggered to show localized rewards, which helped our business in driving engagement. I also appreciate the excellent reward redemption support that you guys provided.

Sandeep John - Kepala pemasaran lapangan, Asia Tenggara, Freshworks

Baca studi kasus
"Negara Adidaya bagi para pemasar yang sedang bertumbuh"

Plum is that superpower that every growth marketer can do so much with! Plum has been a great value adition to Xero. We achieved a 20% growth year on year and it’s a brilliant performance for us.

Matt Wale - Kepala Pemasaran Pertumbuhan, Xero

Baca studi kasus
"Increased rewarding efficiency - 52% of employees"

Our employees really like the Plum rewarding process. The customer service that they offer is exceptional and commendable. That was the most important criteria for us to decide on them.

Mitra Bisnis Sumber Daya Manusia, H&M

Baca studi kasus
"100% resolusi pelanggan sesuai SLA"

Plum has an edge over the other aggregators and the brands because of meagre number of options they provide for redemption. The rewards dashboards method of rewarding is a drastically quicker and smarter way to implement rewarding strategies.

Biju Samuel, Capgemini

Baca studi kasus

Platform kelas enterprise yang sepenuhnya aman dan dirancang untuk meningkatkan skala

Perlindungan data merupakan hal yang paling penting di Xoxoday, dan kami berkomitmen untuk menyediakan ekosistem loyalitas yang aman, terjamin, dan patuh untuk bisnis.