Enable your users to

buy e-gift cards with cryptocurrency

Move ahead from conventional cash payout methods. Provide your users with a fresh way to utilize their cryptocurrency using Xoxoday, the world's leading rewarding platform for online cryptocurrency exchange companies, through digital gift cards.
Most crypto users don’t hold, they spend - prioritize your liquidity with Xoxoday’s global gift cards.

Des entreprises de premier plan lui font confiance dans le monde entier

Offrir des expériences enrichissantes ciblées et personnalisées

Adaptez votre expérience enrichissante à vos clients, partenaires et employés et gratifiez-les instantanément.
Deliver rewards globally, in any currency
  • Effortlessly send region-specific digital gifts that cater to your worldwide user base, eliminating concerns about currency conversion or catalog choices.
  • Provide a delightful redemption experience through reward Links, Codes, or Points delivered via SMS, Email, or WhatsApp.
Scalable APIs to integrate with your technology
  • Make Xoxoday marketplace yours in minutes. Integrates with your application (web or mobile). Use your preferred SSO mechanism to seamlessly allow users onto the marketplace.
  • Send vouchers instantly via APIs for real-time payout processing. Our highly scalable APIs guarantee a 99.9% SLA uptime, capable of handling millions of requests without breaking a sweat.
Le plus grand marché mondial de récompenses
  • Tailored for crypto brands, enabling seamless deployment of branded assets across the marketplace. Select currency, and denomination, and set customizable rules to align with your specific requirements.
  • Offer your recipients a choice by letting them redeem gifts from a catalog featuring 1mn+ reward options and 5000+ international brands.
Données et informations complètes sur les récompenses
  • Our robust reporting engine enables custom dashboard creation, allowing you to track attribution data from rewards while maintaining an overview of your budget and expenses.
  • La synchronisation bidirectionnelle garantit des données et des informations enrichissantes en temps réel dans votre application afin de prendre des décisions commerciales fondées sur des données.

Embedding rewards to your ticketing tool via Xoxoday is just a 3-step process!

  • Sign up and configure your account in under a minute. Start a gift campaign and choose your preferred delivery method (Link/Points/Code). Utilize APIs for real-time issuance of payouts.
  • Customize your payout campaigns with your brand logo, messages, and more. Choose from a curated selection, including branded gift cards, prepaid cards, and experiential gifting.
  • Delight your users in your ecosystem with an effortless one-click payout and redemption experience while offering an extensive range of rewards to choose from.
  • Sign up and configure your account in under a minute. Start a gift campaign and choose your preferred delivery method (Link/Points/Code). Utilize APIs for real-time issuance of payouts.
  • Customize your payout campaigns with your brand logo, messages, and more. Choose from a curated selection, including branded gift cards, prepaid cards, and experiential gifting.
  • Delight your users in your ecosystem with an effortless one-click payout and redemption experience while offering an extensive range of rewards to choose from.

Meaningful gifts build solid business partnerships

Increase adoption and new users
By offering familiar gift cards, Crypto firms can entice non-crypto users to buy, hold, and sell crypto within their platform. This not only expands their reach but also creates a personalized experience for a new user base, ultimately accelerating crypto adoption.
Unlock growth with rewards
The influx of users fuels increased engagement and loyalty, fostering a vibrant community that reduces churn. This thriving ecosystem opens doors to diverse revenue streams, propelling Crypto Firm to the forefront of the market.
Améliorer la liquidité
Adding a personalized touch point in your outreach will help you stand out from the crowd while creating a more authentic and meaningful connection with your potential customers, ultimately driving more conversions, sales and engagement.

Ne nous croyez pas sur parole. Écoutez ce que nos clients disent de nous !

Easy and quick implementation of API
“The platform is self-serve and API quickly implemented. We were able to integrate it to our crypto app and go live in 48 hours.”
- Renowned Crypto Currency Exchange Company
Xoxoday’s Reward Marketplace is AWESOME!
“Xoxoday has multiple reward options from brands across the globe. This has helped us cater to customers from different parts of the world. In addition, the support team helped us with every small query our teams had with almost instant response time.”
- Top Cryptocurrency Firm

Plate-forme d'entreprise entièrement sécurisée et conçue pour évoluer

La protection des données est de la plus haute importance chez Xoxoday, et nous nous engageons à fournir un écosystème de fidélisation sûr, sécurisé et conforme pour les entreprises.

Enable your users to

buy e-gift cards with cryptocurrency

Move ahead from conventional cash payout methods. Provide your users with a fresh way to utilize their cryptocurrency using Xoxoday, the world's leading rewarding platform for online cryptocurrency exchange companies, through digital gift cards.
Most crypto users don’t hold, they spend - prioritize your liquidity with Xoxoday’s global gift cards.
Il s'agit d'un texte à l'intérieur d'un bloc div.
Il s'agit d'un texte à l'intérieur d'un bloc div.
Il s'agit d'un texte à l'intérieur d'un bloc div.
Deliver rewards globally, in any currency
  • Effortlessly send region-specific digital gifts that cater to your worldwide user base, eliminating concerns about currency conversion or catalog choices.
  • Provide a delightful redemption experience through reward Links, Codes, or Points delivered via SMS, Email, or WhatsApp.
Scalable APIs to integrate with your technology
  • Make Xoxoday marketplace yours in minutes. Integrates with your application (web or mobile). Use your preferred SSO mechanism to seamlessly allow users onto the marketplace.
  • Send vouchers instantly via APIs for real-time payout processing. Our highly scalable APIs guarantee a 99.9% SLA uptime, capable of handling millions of requests without breaking a sweat.
Le plus grand marché mondial de récompenses
  • Tailored for crypto brands, enabling seamless deployment of branded assets across the marketplace. Select currency, and denomination, and set customizable rules to align with your specific requirements.
  • Offer your recipients a choice by letting them redeem gifts from a catalog featuring 1mn+ reward options and 5000+ international brands.
Données et informations complètes sur les récompenses
  • Our robust reporting engine enables custom dashboard creation, allowing you to track attribution data from rewards while maintaining an overview of your budget and expenses.
  • La synchronisation bidirectionnelle garantit des données et des informations enrichissantes en temps réel dans votre application afin de prendre des décisions commerciales fondées sur des données.

Meaningful gifts build solid business partnerships

Increase adoption and new users
By offering familiar gift cards, Crypto firms can entice non-crypto users to buy, hold, and sell crypto within their platform. This not only expands their reach but also creates a personalized experience for a new user base, ultimately accelerating crypto adoption.
Unlock growth with rewards
The influx of users fuels increased engagement and loyalty, fostering a vibrant community that reduces churn. This thriving ecosystem opens doors to diverse revenue streams, propelling Crypto Firm to the forefront of the market.
Améliorer la liquidité
Adding a personalized touch point in your outreach will help you stand out from the crowd while creating a more authentic and meaningful connection with your potential customers, ultimately driving more conversions, sales and engagement.

Embedding rewards to your ticketing tool via Xoxoday is just a 3-step process!

  • Sign up and configure your account in under a minute. Start a gift campaign and choose your preferred delivery method (Link/Points/Code). Utilize APIs for real-time issuance of payouts.
  • Customize your payout campaigns with your brand logo, messages, and more. Choose from a curated selection, including branded gift cards, prepaid cards, and experiential gifting.
  • Delight your users in your ecosystem with an effortless one-click payout and redemption experience while offering an extensive range of rewards to choose from.
  • Sign up and configure your account in under a minute. Start a gift campaign and choose your preferred delivery method (Link/Points/Code). Utilize APIs for real-time issuance of payouts.
  • Customize your payout campaigns with your brand logo, messages, and more. Choose from a curated selection, including branded gift cards, prepaid cards, and experiential gifting.
  • Delight your users in your ecosystem with an effortless one-click payout and redemption experience while offering an extensive range of rewards to choose from.

Embedding rewards to your ticketing tool via Xoxoday is just a 3-step process!

Étape 1 :  
  • Sign up and configure your account in under a minute. Start a gift campaign and choose your preferred delivery method (Link/Points/Code). Utilize APIs for real-time issuance of payouts.
Étape 2 :
  • Customize your payout campaigns with your brand logo, messages, and more. Choose from a curated selection, including branded gift cards, prepaid cards, and experiential gifting.
Étape 3 :
  • Delight your users in your ecosystem with an effortless one-click payout and redemption experience while offering an extensive range of rewards to choose from.

Embedding rewards to your ticketing tool via Xoxoday is just a 3-step process!

Étape 1 :  
  • Sign up and configure your account in under a minute. Start a gift campaign and choose your preferred delivery method (Link/Points/Code). Utilize APIs for real-time issuance of payouts.
Étape 2 :  
  • Customize your payout campaigns with your brand logo, messages, and more. Choose from a curated selection, including branded gift cards, prepaid cards, and experiential gifting.
Étape 3 :  
  • Delight your users in your ecosystem with an effortless one-click payout and redemption experience while offering an extensive range of rewards to choose from.

Embedding rewards to your ticketing tool via Xoxoday is just a 3-step process!

Étape 1 :
  • Sign up and configure your account in under a minute. Start a gift campaign and choose your preferred delivery method (Link/Points/Code). Utilize APIs for real-time issuance of payouts.
Étape 1 :
  • Customize your payout campaigns with your brand logo, messages, and more. Choose from a curated selection, including branded gift cards, prepaid cards, and experiential gifting.
Étape 1 :
  • Delight your users in your ecosystem with an effortless one-click payout and redemption experience while offering an extensive range of rewards to choose from.

Embedding rewards to your ticketing tool via Xoxoday is just a 3-step process!

Étape 1 :
  • Sign up and configure your account in under a minute. Start a gift campaign and choose your preferred delivery method (Link/Points/Code). Utilize APIs for real-time issuance of payouts.
Étape 1 :
  • Customize your payout campaigns with your brand logo, messages, and more. Choose from a curated selection, including branded gift cards, prepaid cards, and experiential gifting.
Étape 1 :
  • Delight your users in your ecosystem with an effortless one-click payout and redemption experience while offering an extensive range of rewards to choose from.

We are a trusted partner for renowned organizations worldwide

Ne nous croyez pas sur parole. Écoutez ce que nos clients disent de nous !

Easy and quick implementation of API
“The platform is self-serve and API quickly implemented. We were able to integrate it to our crypto app and go live in 48 hours.”
- Renowned Crypto Currency Exchange Company
Xoxoday’s Reward Marketplace is AWESOME!
“Xoxoday has multiple reward options from brands across the globe. This has helped us cater to customers from different parts of the world. In addition, the support team helped us with every small query our teams had with almost instant response time.”
- Top Cryptocurrency Firm

La sécurité et la conformité au cœur du dispositif

Xoxoday répond aux normes de certification les plus strictes afin de réduire les contraintes de conformité pour votre entreprise et de garantir la sécurité des paiements.
Voici ce que propose Xoxoday :
HTTPS et HSTS pour des connexions sécurisées
Programme de divulgation des vulnérabilités et de récompense
La plateforme adhère à toutes les normes mondiales, y compris WCAG, SOC II, ISO 27001, CCPA, HIPPA et GDPR.
Contrôles et processus tels que VAPT, revues de code, BCP, pare-feu, IDS, journalisation, surveillance, MFA, cryptage des données et audits de code.