Join the Swag Revolution

Experience the power of automation with Xoxoday’s : AI Swag-on-demand Platform. Tailor your swag strategy with personalized and branded items that reflect your unique brand Identity.

Des entreprises de premier plan dans le monde entier lui font confiance

We’ve got you covered for all your brand moments

Forge a stronger connection between your brand and your audience with our AI enabled on-demand Swag platform

Large choix de catégories

Offrez à vos destinataires la liberté de choix avec des produits couvrant plusieurs catégories intéressantes.
Maison et cuisine
Voyages et bagages
Téléphones mobiles
Style de vie et mode
Divertissement audio
Industriel et scientifique

Nous vous couvrons pour tous les moments importants

Dépassez les frontières géographiques et offrez des souvenirs inoubliables grâce à notre vaste catalogue d'expériences.

Offrez le cadeau du choix

Laissez vos destinataires choisir parmi un large éventail de catégories - de la mode et du style de vie aux cartes-cadeaux alimentaires en passant par l'électronique, les voyages et les cartes-cadeaux pour le carburant.
Food & Restaurant
Charité et dons
Beauty products
Sports products
Cash & Prepaid
Health & wellness
Or et bijoux
View the full list of 10,000+ gift cards available on the Xoxoday store

Support the world's top charities

We work with dozens of the most influential philanthropic organizations
View the list of 5000+ charity organizations available on the storefront

Experience the Power of swag-on-demand

Démarquez-vous de vos concurrents dans un monde rempli de programmes de récompense et de fidélisation. 

Maximize Company Culture

The products are designed to amplify a company's culture, fostering appreciation and connection through custom-generated gifts that uniquely represent any organization.

Optimize brand Engagement

Elevate your brand engagement through personalized and branded gifting solutions, forging a stronger connection between your employees and your brand.

Maximize Gifting ROI 

Experience a substantial return on investment with Xoxoday swag, backed by comprehensive analytics and reporting to measure the success of your gifting initiatives.

Récompenses expérientielles > Récompenses transactionnelles

L'argent liquide et les autres récompenses transactionnelles n'ont qu'une portée limitée et se confondent avec le revenu. Les récompenses expérientielles, quant à elles, vont au-delà des transactions et établissent un lien émotionnel entre la marque et le bénéficiaire en instillant un souvenir qui restera à jamais gravé dans leur mémoire. Elle leur donne accès à des expériences qui ne peuvent être reproduites ou trouvées ailleurs. Lorsque vous récompensez vos employés, vos clients ou vos partenaires en leur offrant une expérience de leur choix, vous leur offrez quelque chose de personnel, de significatif et de mémorable.
Argent liquide
Vos parties prenantes sont-elles enthousiastes à l'idée de recevoir la récompense ?
Ils peuvent avoir une vague idée de l'usage qu'ils en feront, mais la récompense elle-même n'inspire pas l'Anticipation.
Les expériences sont particulièrement efficaces pour susciter une anticipation joyeuse : ils peuvent planifier avec leurs proches et visualiser leur récompense bien avant qu'elle ne se produise.
La récompense les valorise-t-elle ? Est-elle mémorable ?
Il est assez impersonnel et ne répond pas aux souhaits et aux besoins des destinataires.
Les récompenses expérientielles peuvent s'aligner sur les préférences des bénéficiaires, ce qui leur donne le sentiment d'être spéciaux et appréciés. 
La récompense favorise-t-elle l'engagement à long terme ?
L'impact de la récompense est de courte durée. Ils ne se rappellent pas comment et où ils ont dépensé l'argent.
Les expériences laissent des impressions durables qui peuvent être liées à votre entreprise, ce qui favorise une fidélité durable.

Create your print-on-demand Swag in 3 easy steps

Browse & Select
Explore the marketplace and Choose the products that resonate with your style and preferences.
Tailored Consultation
Connect with our expert for a one-on-one consultation. Share your preferences, and let us craft the perfect print-on-demand swag experience just for you.
On-demand fulfillment
Upon order, the item is produced on-demand and shipped to any doorstep, through our vast global vendor and courier network.

Flexible et évolutif pour répondre à vos besoins uniques

Whether it's webinars, survey rewards, customer loyalty programs, employee recognition, make them successful with Xoxoday’s prepaid cards for everyone.

Questions fréquemment posées

1. What types of company-branded merchandise do you offer?

We offer quality company-branded merchandise, including drinkware, apparel, stationery, tech accessories, and more.

2. Can we customize the swag items with our company logo or branding?

Yes! You can customize the items with your company logo or branding to make them uniquely yours.

3. What is the minimum order quantity for swag items?

We work with Print-on-Demand vendors, so you can order as low as 1 qty of the chosen items.

4. How long does it typically take for orders to be processed and delivered?

It takes between 10-14 working days for dispatch of your order, ensuring timely delivery.

5. Do you offer bulk discounts for larger orders?

We can look at a Minimum Order Quantity (MOQ) based discount for orders over 200 units, providing cost-effective solutions for bulk orders.

6. Can we see samples of the swag items before placing an order?

We do not support sampling, but we work with quality suppliers for the manufacture of the Swag items, ensuring high standards of quality.

7. What is your return policy if we're not satisfied with the quality of the swag items?

Swag items are customized to order and hence not returnable. However, we offer a replacement if you have received a defective, damaged, or incorrect product. Any complaints can be emailed at [email protected] for prompt resolution.

8. Can you assist with designing the artwork or logo for our swag items?

Yes, we can support this offline, ensuring your branding is represented accurately and effectively.

9. Are there any restrictions on the types of artwork or branding we can use on the swag items?

Not really, but we might not be able to support politically motivated statements or hate speech, maintaining a positive and inclusive environment.

10. Can we order a mix of different swag items, or are there specific package deals available?

You can order a mix of Swag items, but they will all be delivered as separate deliveries. We do not have hampers and kits at the moment, providing flexibility in customization.

11. Do you offer international shipping for swag orders?

Not at the moment. Every country will have a separate catalog and can be activated based on your requirements. We currently have Swag available only in the US, ensuring localized services and efficient delivery.

12. How do we go about placing an order for swag items?

You can place orders on the Plum storefront under Merchandise > Swag, providing a seamless ordering process for your convenience.

13. Is there a dedicated account manager or customer support team available to assist with our swag order?

Post-ordering, please get in touch with [email protected] for any order-related support, ensuring personalized assistance throughout the process.

14. What payment methods do you accept for swag orders?

We accept payment by Xoxocode/Points, ensuring convenience and flexibility in payment options. Any shortfall can be paid via our secure payment gateway, providing a hassle-free transaction experience.

If you have any more questions or need further assistance, please don't hesitate to contact our support team at [email protected]. We're here to help you make your rewards program a success!