Offer irresistible rewards to

get customers to leave a review

99.9% of great customer experiences go unheard, while 0.1% of negative experiences show up in reviews easily. You know it: positive reviews influence other buyers. But you know the struggle, too: getting customers to write reviews is hard. So, offer lucrative rewards to expedite customer reviews and ratings.
Use Xoxoday’s rewards engine to integrate with any product review platform and auto-send digital gifts to your customers every time they submit a feedback.

Con la confianza de empresas líderes en todo el mundo

Ofrece experiencias gratificantes específicas y personalizadas

Personalice su experiencia gratificante para clientes, socios y empleados y gratifíquelos al instante
Integración con todas las plataformas de revisión de productos
  • Connect with platforms like G2, Trustpilot, Capterra, SoftwareAdvice, etc. to fetch review completion events.
  • Create automated reward campaigns while having complete control on your budget, review approvals, and feedback counts.
Lanzar campañas de recompensas localizadas
  • Send localized digital gifts that your global customers prefer without worrying about currency conversions.
  • Offer customers a choice by letting them redeem rewards from a global catalog spanning 26000+ gift options. 
Entregar recompensas de diferentes modos
  • Delight customers by sending them instantly-redeemable rewards in the form of Codes / Points / Links.
  • Send rewards through an omnichannel solution: via SMS, Email, or WhatsApp to reach customers where they are most proactive
Obtenga datos e información detallada sobre las recompensas
  • View detailed data reports and track the rewards delivered and redeemed by your customers in real-time.
  • Ofrezca a sus clientes una experiencia de canje agradable en la moneda y el idioma que prefieran.

Incentivizing customer reviews via Xoxoday takes only 3 steps!

  • Conecte perfectamente nuestra plataforma de recompensas a su sitio web de reseñas para recopilar eventos de finalización de comentarios.
  • Configure rewarding rules based on custom triggers and workflows based on review submission, date, count, or any other criteria you need.
  • Obsequie a sus clientes con más de 26.000 opciones de recompensa, desde tarjetas regalo de marca hasta tarjetas de prepago o regalos experienciales.
  • Keep the reward distribution error-free and instant without worrying about currency conversions.
  • Envíe las recompensas a tiempo y motive a los clientes para que dejen sus opiniones antes. Reciba un mayor volumen de opiniones para su marca.
  • Rewards encourage customers to share their experiences in greater depth, which can help your brand identify strengths and areas for improvement.
  • Conecte perfectamente nuestra plataforma de recompensas a su sitio web de reseñas para recopilar eventos de finalización de comentarios.
  • Configure rewarding rules based on custom triggers and workflows based on review submission, date, count, or any other criteria you need.
  • Obsequie a sus clientes con más de 26.000 opciones de recompensa, desde tarjetas regalo de marca hasta tarjetas de prepago o regalos experienciales.
  • Keep the reward distribution error-free and instant without worrying about currency conversions.
  • Envíe las recompensas a tiempo y motive a los clientes para que dejen sus opiniones antes. Reciba un mayor volumen de opiniones para su marca.
  • Rewards encourage customers to share their experiences in greater depth, which can help your brand identify strengths and areas for improvement.

Las recompensas aceleran los comentarios de sus clientes al tiempo que crean una imagen de marca sólida

Gain a competitive advantage in the market
When your business receives a steady stream of positive reviews and ratings, it sets you apart from competitors and creates a unique selling proposition. It attracts more new customers and builds a good brand image.
Posicionarse como líder del mercado
A high volume of positive reviews and stellar ratings can position your brand as a market leader. Customers are more inclined to trust market leaders as they perceive them to be more reliable to meeting customer needs.
Increase brand trust and social proof
Positive reviews and ratings act as social proof, reinforcing the credibility and trustworthiness of your brand. Higher ratings lead to more referrals and sales and thus, decreasing your CAC (Customer Acquisition Cost).

Nuestros clientes sólo tienen cosas buenas que decir de nosotros.

Xoxoday’s digital reward offerings were diverse!
Our business relied on local SEO and for our listing to improve and show up on top results, we wanted more reviews from our customers. We did every possible thing to get them to review but it took time. Xoxoday played a key role in spiking the engagement levels in this process. Their digital rewards offerings were diverse and we could easily incentivize every customer who left a review for our brand.
– An esteemed automobile brand
The integration process was seamless!
We wanted to take our F&B business to new heights and reviews played a major role. We wanted to connect with a significant online review platform to automate the reviewer-rewarding process. Thanks to Xoxoday’s team. This was done in extremely less time and the integration process was seamless. Now, every time our customer leaves a feedback, they automatically get rewarded despite where they are located globally!
– A renowned F&B conglomerate corporation

Plataforma de nivel empresarial totalmente segura y diseñada para ampliarse

La protección de datos es de suma importancia en Xoxoday, y nos comprometemos a proporcionar a las empresas un ecosistema de fidelización seguro y conforme a las normas.

Offer irresistible rewards to

get customers to leave a review

99.9% of great customer experiences go unheard, while 0.1% of negative experiences show up in reviews easily. You know it: positive reviews influence other buyers. But you know the struggle, too: getting customers to write reviews is hard. So, offer lucrative rewards to expedite customer reviews and ratings.
Use Xoxoday’s rewards engine to integrate with any product review platform and auto-send digital gifts to your customers every time they submit a feedback.
Esto es un texto dentro de un bloque div.
Esto es un texto dentro de un bloque div.
Esto es un texto dentro de un bloque div.
Integración con todas las plataformas de revisión de productos
  • Connect with platforms like G2, Trustpilot, Capterra, SoftwareAdvice, etc. to fetch review completion events.
  • Create automated reward campaigns while having complete control on your budget, review approvals, and feedback counts.
Lanzar campañas de recompensas localizadas
  • Send localized digital gifts that your global customers prefer without worrying about currency conversions.
  • Offer customers a choice by letting them redeem rewards from a global catalog spanning 26000+ gift options. 
Entregar recompensas de diferentes modos
  • Delight customers by sending them instantly-redeemable rewards in the form of Codes / Points / Links.
  • Send rewards through an omnichannel solution: via SMS, Email, or WhatsApp to reach customers where they are most proactive
Obtenga datos e información detallada sobre las recompensas
  • View detailed data reports and track the rewards delivered and redeemed by your customers in real-time.
  • Ofrezca a sus clientes una experiencia de canje agradable en la moneda y el idioma que prefieran.

Las recompensas aceleran los comentarios de sus clientes al tiempo que crean una imagen de marca sólida

Gain a competitive advantage in the market
When your business receives a steady stream of positive reviews and ratings, it sets you apart from competitors and creates a unique selling proposition. It attracts more new customers and builds a good brand image.
Posicionarse como líder del mercado
A high volume of positive reviews and stellar ratings can position your brand as a market leader. Customers are more inclined to trust market leaders as they perceive them to be more reliable to meeting customer needs.
Increase brand trust and social proof
Positive reviews and ratings act as social proof, reinforcing the credibility and trustworthiness of your brand. Higher ratings lead to more referrals and sales and thus, decreasing your CAC (Customer Acquisition Cost).

Incentivizing customer reviews via Xoxoday takes only 3 steps!

  • Conecte perfectamente nuestra plataforma de recompensas a su sitio web de reseñas para recopilar eventos de finalización de comentarios.
  • Configure rewarding rules based on custom triggers and workflows based on review submission, date, count, or any other criteria you need.
  • Obsequie a sus clientes con más de 26.000 opciones de recompensa, desde tarjetas regalo de marca hasta tarjetas de prepago o regalos experienciales.
  • Keep the reward distribution error-free and instant without worrying about currency conversions.
  • Envíe las recompensas a tiempo y motive a los clientes para que dejen sus opiniones antes. Reciba un mayor volumen de opiniones para su marca.
  • Rewards encourage customers to share their experiences in greater depth, which can help your brand identify strengths and areas for improvement.
  • Conecte perfectamente nuestra plataforma de recompensas a su sitio web de reseñas para recopilar eventos de finalización de comentarios.
  • Configure rewarding rules based on custom triggers and workflows based on review submission, date, count, or any other criteria you need.
  • Obsequie a sus clientes con más de 26.000 opciones de recompensa, desde tarjetas regalo de marca hasta tarjetas de prepago o regalos experienciales.
  • Keep the reward distribution error-free and instant without worrying about currency conversions.
  • Envíe las recompensas a tiempo y motive a los clientes para que dejen sus opiniones antes. Reciba un mayor volumen de opiniones para su marca.
  • Rewards encourage customers to share their experiences in greater depth, which can help your brand identify strengths and areas for improvement.

Incentivizing customer reviews via Xoxoday takes only 3 steps!

Paso 1:  
  • Conecte perfectamente nuestra plataforma de recompensas a su sitio web de reseñas para recopilar eventos de finalización de comentarios.
  • Configure rewarding rules based on custom triggers and workflows based on review submission, date, count, or any other criteria you need.
Segundo paso:
  • Obsequie a sus clientes con más de 26.000 opciones de recompensa, desde tarjetas regalo de marca hasta tarjetas de prepago o regalos experienciales.
  • Keep the reward distribution error-free and instant without worrying about currency conversions.
Paso 3:
  • Envíe las recompensas a tiempo y motive a los clientes para que dejen sus opiniones antes. Reciba un mayor volumen de opiniones para su marca.
  • Rewards encourage customers to share their experiences in greater depth, which can help your brand identify strengths and areas for improvement.

Incentivizing customer reviews via Xoxoday takes only 3 steps!

Paso 1:  
  • Conecte perfectamente nuestra plataforma de recompensas a su sitio web de reseñas para recopilar eventos de finalización de comentarios.
  • Configure rewarding rules based on custom triggers and workflows based on review submission, date, count, or any other criteria you need.
Segundo paso:  
  • Obsequie a sus clientes con más de 26.000 opciones de recompensa, desde tarjetas regalo de marca hasta tarjetas de prepago o regalos experienciales.
  • Keep the reward distribution error-free and instant without worrying about currency conversions.
Paso 3:  
  • Envíe las recompensas a tiempo y motive a los clientes para que dejen sus opiniones antes. Reciba un mayor volumen de opiniones para su marca.
  • Rewards encourage customers to share their experiences in greater depth, which can help your brand identify strengths and areas for improvement.

Incentivizing customer reviews via Xoxoday takes only 3 steps!

Paso 1:
  • Conecte perfectamente nuestra plataforma de recompensas a su sitio web de reseñas para recopilar eventos de finalización de comentarios.
  • Configure rewarding rules based on custom triggers and workflows based on review submission, date, count, or any other criteria you need.
Paso 1:
  • Obsequie a sus clientes con más de 26.000 opciones de recompensa, desde tarjetas regalo de marca hasta tarjetas de prepago o regalos experienciales.
  • Keep the reward distribution error-free and instant without worrying about currency conversions.
Paso 1:
  • Envíe las recompensas a tiempo y motive a los clientes para que dejen sus opiniones antes. Reciba un mayor volumen de opiniones para su marca.
  • Rewards encourage customers to share their experiences in greater depth, which can help your brand identify strengths and areas for improvement.

Incentivizing customer reviews via Xoxoday takes only 3 steps!

Paso 1:
  • Conecte perfectamente nuestra plataforma de recompensas a su sitio web de reseñas para recopilar eventos de finalización de comentarios.
  • Configure rewarding rules based on custom triggers and workflows based on review submission, date, count, or any other criteria you need.
Paso 1:
  • Obsequie a sus clientes con más de 26.000 opciones de recompensa, desde tarjetas regalo de marca hasta tarjetas de prepago o regalos experienciales.
  • Keep the reward distribution error-free and instant without worrying about currency conversions.
Paso 1:
  • Envíe las recompensas a tiempo y motive a los clientes para que dejen sus opiniones antes. Reciba un mayor volumen de opiniones para su marca.
  • Rewards encourage customers to share their experiences in greater depth, which can help your brand identify strengths and areas for improvement.

Somos un socio de confianza para marcas de renombre

Nuestros clientes sólo tienen cosas buenas que decir de nosotros.

Xoxoday’s digital reward offerings were diverse!
Our business relied on local SEO and for our listing to improve and show up on top results, we wanted more reviews from our customers. We did every possible thing to get them to review but it took time. Xoxoday played a key role in spiking the engagement levels in this process. Their digital rewards offerings were diverse and we could easily incentivize every customer who left a review for our brand.
– An esteemed automobile brand
The integration process was seamless!
We wanted to take our F&B business to new heights and reviews played a major role. We wanted to connect with a significant online review platform to automate the reviewer-rewarding process. Thanks to Xoxoday’s team. This was done in extremely less time and the integration process was seamless. Now, every time our customer leaves a feedback, they automatically get rewarded despite where they are located globally!
– A renowned F&B conglomerate corporation

La seguridad y el cumplimiento de la normativa en el centro

Xoxoday cumple las normas de certificación más exigentes para ayudar a reducir las cargas de cumplimiento de su empresa y mantener la seguridad de los pagos.
Esto es lo que ofrece Xoxoday :
HTTPS y HSTS para conexiones seguras
Programa de divulgación de vulnerabilidades y recompensas
La plataforma cumple todas las normas mundiales, incluidas WCAG, SOC II, ISO 27001, CCPA, HIPPA y GDPR.
Controles y procesos como VAPT, revisiones de código, BCP, cortafuegos, IDS, registro, supervisión, MFA, cifrado de datos y auditorías de código.