Transform engagement

with the world’s largest pre-built, plug-and-play rewards marketplace

A corporate rewards strategy and execution is a cumbersome game. From choosing rewards that resonate with your recipients to navigating the technical aspects and managing logistics can feel like a juggling act. That’s why we have taken all the complexities out of the equation and created a powerful, plug-and-play rewards marketplace so you can put your energy where it counts—designing and implementing a rewards program that drives motivation, engagement, and loyalty.
Xoxoday’s reward marketplace is large, global, and thoughtfully-curated. It has 26000+ gift options from 5000+ international brands, ranging from branded e-gift cards to prepaid cards to experiential gifting.

Con la confianza de empresas líderes en todo el mundo

Ofrece experiencias gratificantes específicas y personalizadas

Personalice su experiencia gratificante para clientes, socios y empleados y gratifíquelos al instante
Integrate our rewards marketplace in minutes
  • Connect our rewards marketplace into your application (web or mobile) in minutes. Use your preferred SSO mechanism to seamlessly allow users onto the marketplace.
  • Conéctese con HRMS, LMS, CRM, herramientas de encuestas o cualquier otra aplicación de terceros sin códigos complejos ni ayuda de desarrolladores.
Personalize your campaigns and branding 
  • Haga suyo el mercado de recompensas. Personalice el color, las fuentes, el título de la página, las URL y el catálogo. Personalice completamente el mercado con su marca.
  • Offer your recipients a choice by letting them redeem gifts from a catalog featuring 26,000+ gift options and 5000+ international brands.
Send rewards to anyone and any country
  • Send localized digital gifts your global recipients prefer in any denomination without worrying about currency conversion. Offer them a redemption portal in their native language.
  • Deleite a cualquier persona de su ecosistema empresarial enviándole enlaces / códigos / puntos de recompensa canjeables al instante por SMS, correo electrónico o WhatsApp.
Obtenga datos e información detallada sobre las recompensas
  • Our powerful reporting engine lets you build custom dashboards to track attribution data from rewards while having a bird's-eye view of your budget and expenses.
  • Our bidirectional sync ensures real-time rewarding data and insights into your application to make data-backed business decisions.

Using Xoxoday’s rewards marketplace is only a 3-step process!

Set up your account in less than a minute. Self generate API keys and secrets.  Set up your preferred SSO mechanism. Test in sandbox and move to production in less than 3 days.

White label your gifting campaigns with your brand logo, message, and much more while curating options, ranging from branded e-gift cards to prepaid cards to experiential gifting.

Delight people in your business ecosystem, from customers to channel partners, employees, agents, and gig workers with a single-click redemption experience and a wide choice of rewards.

Set up your account in less than a minute. Self generate API keys and secrets.  Set up your preferred SSO mechanism. Test in sandbox and move to production in less than 3 days.

White label your gifting campaigns with your brand logo, message, and much more while curating options, ranging from branded e-gift cards to prepaid cards to experiential gifting.

Delight people in your business ecosystem, from customers to channel partners, employees, agents, and gig workers with a single-click redemption experience and a wide choice of rewards.

Our rewards storefront has diverse options to pick from

Tarjetas electrónicas de regalo de marca
Send digital gift cards worldwide with localized offerings in a currency and language your recipients prefer.
Tarjetas virtuales de prepago
Disburse payouts via preloaded virtual Visa or Mastercard instantly and seamlessly without any hassle.
Experiential gifts
Go beyond transactions and delight your recipients' experience with incredible experiential gifts. 

Our customers have some nice things to say about us!

Xoxoday’s digital reward offerings were diverse!
“Our business wanted more reviews from our customers. We did every possible thing to get them to review but it took time. While many were ready to fill the feedback form, not all were motivated enough. Xoxoday played a key role in spiking the engagement levels in this process. Thanks to their diverse digital rewards offerings! ”
– An esteemed automobile brand
The integration process was seamless!
“We wanted to take our F&B business to new heights and reviews played a major role. We wanted to connect with a significant online review platform to automate the reviewer-rewarding process. Thanks to Xoxoday’s team. This was done in extremely less time and the integration process was seamless. Now, every time our customer leaves a feedback, they automatically get rewarded despite where they are located globally!”
– A renowned F&B conglomerate corporation

Plataforma de nivel empresarial totalmente segura y diseñada para ampliarse

La protección de datos es de suma importancia en Xoxoday, y nos comprometemos a proporcionar a las empresas un ecosistema de fidelización seguro y conforme a las normas.

Transform engagement

with the world’s largest pre-built, plug-and-play rewards marketplace

A corporate rewards strategy and execution is a cumbersome game. From choosing rewards that resonate with your recipients to navigating the technical aspects and managing logistics can feel like a juggling act. That’s why we have taken all the complexities out of the equation and created a powerful, plug-and-play rewards marketplace so you can put your energy where it counts—designing and implementing a rewards program that drives motivation, engagement, and loyalty.
Xoxoday’s reward marketplace is large, global, and thoughtfully-curated. It has 26000+ gift options from 5000+ international brands, ranging from branded e-gift cards to prepaid cards to experiential gifting.
Esto es un texto dentro de un bloque div.
Esto es un texto dentro de un bloque div.
Esto es un texto dentro de un bloque div.
Integrate our rewards marketplace in minutes
  • Connect our rewards marketplace into your application (web or mobile) in minutes. Use your preferred SSO mechanism to seamlessly allow users onto the marketplace.
  • Conéctese con HRMS, LMS, CRM, herramientas de encuestas o cualquier otra aplicación de terceros sin códigos complejos ni ayuda de desarrolladores.
Personalize your campaigns and branding 
  • Haga suyo el mercado de recompensas. Personalice el color, las fuentes, el título de la página, las URL y el catálogo. Personalice completamente el mercado con su marca.
  • Offer your recipients a choice by letting them redeem gifts from a catalog featuring 26,000+ gift options and 5000+ international brands.
Send rewards to anyone and any country
  • Send localized digital gifts your global recipients prefer in any denomination without worrying about currency conversion. Offer them a redemption portal in their native language.
  • Deleite a cualquier persona de su ecosistema empresarial enviándole enlaces / códigos / puntos de recompensa canjeables al instante por SMS, correo electrónico o WhatsApp.
Obtenga datos e información detallada sobre las recompensas
  • Our powerful reporting engine lets you build custom dashboards to track attribution data from rewards while having a bird's-eye view of your budget and expenses.
  • Our bidirectional sync ensures real-time rewarding data and insights into your application to make data-backed business decisions.

Our rewards storefront has diverse options to pick from

Tarjetas electrónicas de regalo de marca
Send digital gift cards worldwide with localized offerings in a currency and language your recipients prefer.
Tarjetas virtuales de prepago
Disburse payouts via preloaded virtual Visa or Mastercard instantly and seamlessly without any hassle.
Experiential gifts
Go beyond transactions and delight your recipients' experience with incredible experiential gifts. 

Using Xoxoday’s rewards marketplace is only a 3-step process!

Set up your account in less than a minute. Self generate API keys and secrets.  Set up your preferred SSO mechanism. Test in sandbox and move to production in less than 3 days.

White label your gifting campaigns with your brand logo, message, and much more while curating options, ranging from branded e-gift cards to prepaid cards to experiential gifting.

Delight people in your business ecosystem, from customers to channel partners, employees, agents, and gig workers with a single-click redemption experience and a wide choice of rewards.

Set up your account in less than a minute. Self generate API keys and secrets.  Set up your preferred SSO mechanism. Test in sandbox and move to production in less than 3 days.

White label your gifting campaigns with your brand logo, message, and much more while curating options, ranging from branded e-gift cards to prepaid cards to experiential gifting.

Delight people in your business ecosystem, from customers to channel partners, employees, agents, and gig workers with a single-click redemption experience and a wide choice of rewards.

Using Xoxoday’s rewards marketplace is only a 3-step process!

Paso 1:  
Create a account

Set up your account in less than a minute. Self generate API keys and secrets.  Set up your preferred SSO mechanism. Test in sandbox and move to production in less than 3 days.

Segundo paso:
Customise and curate gifts

White label your gifting campaigns with your brand logo, message, and much more while curating options, ranging from branded e-gift cards to prepaid cards to experiential gifting.

Paso 3:
Difundir el placer

Delight people in your business ecosystem, from customers to channel partners, employees, agents, and gig workers with a single-click redemption experience and a wide choice of rewards.

Using Xoxoday’s rewards marketplace is only a 3-step process!

Paso 1:  
Create a account

Set up your account in less than a minute. Self generate API keys and secrets.  Set up your preferred SSO mechanism. Test in sandbox and move to production in less than 3 days.

Segundo paso:  
Customise and curate gifts

White label your gifting campaigns with your brand logo, message, and much more while curating options, ranging from branded e-gift cards to prepaid cards to experiential gifting.

Paso 3:  
Difundir el placer

Delight people in your business ecosystem, from customers to channel partners, employees, agents, and gig workers with a single-click redemption experience and a wide choice of rewards.

Using Xoxoday’s rewards marketplace is only a 3-step process!

Paso 1:
Create a account

Set up your account in less than a minute. Self generate API keys and secrets.  Set up your preferred SSO mechanism. Test in sandbox and move to production in less than 3 days.

Paso 1:
Customise and curate gifts

White label your gifting campaigns with your brand logo, message, and much more while curating options, ranging from branded e-gift cards to prepaid cards to experiential gifting.

Paso 1:
Difundir el placer

Delight people in your business ecosystem, from customers to channel partners, employees, agents, and gig workers with a single-click redemption experience and a wide choice of rewards.

Using Xoxoday’s rewards marketplace is only a 3-step process!

Paso 1:
Create a account

Set up your account in less than a minute. Self generate API keys and secrets.  Set up your preferred SSO mechanism. Test in sandbox and move to production in less than 3 days.

Paso 1:
Customise and curate gifts

White label your gifting campaigns with your brand logo, message, and much more while curating options, ranging from branded e-gift cards to prepaid cards to experiential gifting.

Paso 1:
Difundir el placer

Delight people in your business ecosystem, from customers to channel partners, employees, agents, and gig workers with a single-click redemption experience and a wide choice of rewards.

Somos un socio de confianza para marcas de renombre

Our customers have some nice things to say about us!

Xoxoday’s digital reward offerings were diverse!
“Our business wanted more reviews from our customers. We did every possible thing to get them to review but it took time. While many were ready to fill the feedback form, not all were motivated enough. Xoxoday played a key role in spiking the engagement levels in this process. Thanks to their diverse digital rewards offerings! ”
– An esteemed automobile brand
The integration process was seamless!
“We wanted to take our F&B business to new heights and reviews played a major role. We wanted to connect with a significant online review platform to automate the reviewer-rewarding process. Thanks to Xoxoday’s team. This was done in extremely less time and the integration process was seamless. Now, every time our customer leaves a feedback, they automatically get rewarded despite where they are located globally!”
– A renowned F&B conglomerate corporation

La seguridad y el cumplimiento de la normativa en el centro

Xoxoday cumple las normas de certificación más exigentes para ayudar a reducir las cargas de cumplimiento de su empresa y mantener la seguridad de los pagos.
Esto es lo que ofrece Xoxoday :
HTTPS y HSTS para conexiones seguras
Programa de divulgación de vulnerabilidades y recompensas
La plataforma cumple todas las normas mundiales, incluidas WCAG, SOC II, ISO 27001, CCPA, HIPPA y GDPR.
Controles y procesos como VAPT, revisiones de código, BCP, cortafuegos, IDS, registro, supervisión, MFA, cifrado de datos y auditorías de código.