Transform your shoppers into devoted fans

by integrating rewards into your FMCG retail promotions

Escape the pitfalls of uninspiring rewards, cumbersome forms (to capture data), and a tedious redemption process that leads customers to abandon your FMCG promotional offers. Revolutionize your marketing approach by awarding loyalty points to your savvy shoppers and transform them into loyal fans while driving consistent repeat purchases.
Switch to Xoxoday, the comprehensive rewards platform designed for end-to-end global promotions in the FMCG industry, hassle-free from start to finish.

Con la confianza de empresas líderes en todo el mundo

Ofrece experiencias gratificantes específicas y personalizadas

Personalice su experiencia gratificante para clientes, socios y empleados y gratifíquelos al instante
Diseñe su mecanismo de gamificación preferido
  • Choose your gamified mechanism like Spin the Wheel, Scratch Cards, Instant Wins, Games, etc., and get it designed  to increase foot-fall
  • Integrate campaign performance with your PoS, CDP (Data platform), or any marketing engagement tool.
Sync offline & online engagement channels
  • Easily distribute promotional rewards via QR codes, SMS, Email, or WhatsApp via offline channels in the PoS.
  • Provide a redemption experience that’s seamless, hassle-free, and delivers rewards in a single click on the online channel
Launch localized promotions quickly
  • Send localized gifts that your consumers prefer. Let Xoxoday take care of all the conversions
  • Allure shoppers by letting them redeem rewards from a global catalog featuring 1mn+ gift options and 5000+ international brands.
Track rewards delivery in real-time
  • Supervise en tiempo real el estado de entrega y canje de las recompensas, a la vez que tiene una vista de pájaro de su presupuesto y sus gastos.
  • Benefíciese de las funciones multiadministrador que le ayudarán a ampliar el sistema a varias partes interesadas.

Let savvy shoppers leap onto your retail promo offers with excitement. Xoxoday automates the reward process in just 3 steps!

  • Connect our rewards platform to your PoS store, CRM/CDPs, or any tools you use in just a few clicks.
  • Plan and set up your FMCG-specific loyalty/reward program. Configure purchase events, time-sensitive promo campaigns, and triggers to automatically send curated rewards that delight your customers.
  • Entregue recompensas promocionales fácilmente a través de códigos QR, SMS, correo electrónico o WhatsApp con nuestra solución omnicanal. Llega a los consumidores allí donde son más activos.
  • Connect our rewards platform to your PoS store, CRM/CDPs, or any tools you use in just a few clicks.
  • Plan and set up your FMCG-specific loyalty/reward program. Configure purchase events, time-sensitive promo campaigns, and triggers to automatically send curated rewards that delight your customers.
  • Entregue recompensas promocionales fácilmente a través de códigos QR, SMS, correo electrónico o WhatsApp con nuestra solución omnicanal. Llega a los consumidores allí donde son más activos.

Las promociones con "recompensas irresistibles" aumentan las ventas e infunden un fuerte recuerdo de marca.

Aumentar la atracción y el compromiso de los clientes
Los clientes son más propensos a participar en promociones que ofrecen recompensas atractivas. Crean una sensación de emoción y participación, lo que impulsa el compromiso y la interacción con su marca, ya sea en línea o en la tienda.
Superar la sangría de beneficios por descuentos
Traditional retail promotions relying on discounts may boost sales but heavily impact your profit margins in the FMCG industry. In contrast, gamified promotions drive instant consumer engagement, clear inventory efficiently, and achieve sales targets faster.
Drive repeat purchases and loyalty
Loyal members spend more per transaction to earn or maintain their rewards, leading to higher average order values. Drive repeat purchases and reduce your average. revenue per customer by creating a habit loop through rewards.

Escuche la voz de nuestros clientes satisfechos

Gran variedad de recompensas globales
“Our customers really like the Xoxoday rewarding process. The customer service that they offer is exceptional and commendable. But something that we loved the most was their storefront. It had all the gift categories and international brands we were looking for. That was the most important criteria for us to decide on.”
- Una popular marca de ropa
Lanzar nuestras promociones globales fue superfácil.
“Xoxoday eliminated the hassle of designing gamified mechanisms for us. They not only managed it end to end but also helped us embed rewards to our trade promotions without depending on a developer to write complex codes.”
- A global FMCG brand

Plataforma de nivel empresarial totalmente segura y diseñada para ampliarse

La protección de datos es de suma importancia en Xoxoday, y nos comprometemos a proporcionar a las empresas un ecosistema de fidelización seguro y conforme a las normas.

Transform your shoppers into devoted fans

by integrating rewards into your FMCG retail promotions

Escape the pitfalls of uninspiring rewards, cumbersome forms (to capture data), and a tedious redemption process that leads customers to abandon your FMCG promotional offers. Revolutionize your marketing approach by awarding loyalty points to your savvy shoppers and transform them into loyal fans while driving consistent repeat purchases.
Switch to Xoxoday, the comprehensive rewards platform designed for end-to-end global promotions in the FMCG industry, hassle-free from start to finish.
Esto es un texto dentro de un bloque div.
Esto es un texto dentro de un bloque div.
Esto es un texto dentro de un bloque div.
Diseñe su mecanismo de gamificación preferido
  • Choose your gamified mechanism like Spin the Wheel, Scratch Cards, Instant Wins, Games, etc., and get it designed  to increase foot-fall
  • Integrate campaign performance with your PoS, CDP (Data platform), or any marketing engagement tool.
Sync offline & online engagement channels
  • Easily distribute promotional rewards via QR codes, SMS, Email, or WhatsApp via offline channels in the PoS.
  • Provide a redemption experience that’s seamless, hassle-free, and delivers rewards in a single click on the online channel
Launch localized promotions quickly
  • Send localized gifts that your consumers prefer. Let Xoxoday take care of all the conversions
  • Allure shoppers by letting them redeem rewards from a global catalog featuring 1mn+ gift options and 5000+ international brands.
Track rewards delivery in real-time
  • Supervise en tiempo real el estado de entrega y canje de las recompensas, a la vez que tiene una vista de pájaro de su presupuesto y sus gastos.
  • Benefíciese de las funciones multiadministrador que le ayudarán a ampliar el sistema a varias partes interesadas.

Las promociones con "recompensas irresistibles" aumentan las ventas e infunden un fuerte recuerdo de marca.

Aumentar la atracción y el compromiso de los clientes
Los clientes son más propensos a participar en promociones que ofrecen recompensas atractivas. Crean una sensación de emoción y participación, lo que impulsa el compromiso y la interacción con su marca, ya sea en línea o en la tienda.
Superar la sangría de beneficios por descuentos
Traditional retail promotions relying on discounts may boost sales but heavily impact your profit margins in the FMCG industry. In contrast, gamified promotions drive instant consumer engagement, clear inventory efficiently, and achieve sales targets faster.
Drive repeat purchases and loyalty
Loyal members spend more per transaction to earn or maintain their rewards, leading to higher average order values. Drive repeat purchases and reduce your average. revenue per customer by creating a habit loop through rewards.

Let savvy shoppers leap onto your retail promo offers with excitement. Xoxoday automates the reward process in just 3 steps!

  • Connect our rewards platform to your PoS store, CRM/CDPs, or any tools you use in just a few clicks.
  • Plan and set up your FMCG-specific loyalty/reward program. Configure purchase events, time-sensitive promo campaigns, and triggers to automatically send curated rewards that delight your customers.
  • Entregue recompensas promocionales fácilmente a través de códigos QR, SMS, correo electrónico o WhatsApp con nuestra solución omnicanal. Llega a los consumidores allí donde son más activos.
  • Connect our rewards platform to your PoS store, CRM/CDPs, or any tools you use in just a few clicks.
  • Plan and set up your FMCG-specific loyalty/reward program. Configure purchase events, time-sensitive promo campaigns, and triggers to automatically send curated rewards that delight your customers.
  • Entregue recompensas promocionales fácilmente a través de códigos QR, SMS, correo electrónico o WhatsApp con nuestra solución omnicanal. Llega a los consumidores allí donde son más activos.

Let savvy shoppers leap onto your retail promo offers with excitement. Xoxoday automates the reward process in just 3 steps!

Paso 1:  
  • Connect our rewards platform to your PoS store, CRM/CDPs, or any tools you use in just a few clicks.
Segundo paso:
  • Plan and set up your FMCG-specific loyalty/reward program. Configure purchase events, time-sensitive promo campaigns, and triggers to automatically send curated rewards that delight your customers.
Paso 3:
  • Entregue recompensas promocionales fácilmente a través de códigos QR, SMS, correo electrónico o WhatsApp con nuestra solución omnicanal. Llega a los consumidores allí donde son más activos.

Let savvy shoppers leap onto your retail promo offers with excitement. Xoxoday automates the reward process in just 3 steps!

Paso 1:  
  • Connect our rewards platform to your PoS store, CRM/CDPs, or any tools you use in just a few clicks.
Segundo paso:  
  • Plan and set up your FMCG-specific loyalty/reward program. Configure purchase events, time-sensitive promo campaigns, and triggers to automatically send curated rewards that delight your customers.
Paso 3:  
  • Entregue recompensas promocionales fácilmente a través de códigos QR, SMS, correo electrónico o WhatsApp con nuestra solución omnicanal. Llega a los consumidores allí donde son más activos.

Let savvy shoppers leap onto your retail promo offers with excitement. Xoxoday automates the reward process in just 3 steps!

Paso 1:
  • Connect our rewards platform to your PoS store, CRM/CDPs, or any tools you use in just a few clicks.
Paso 1:
  • Plan and set up your FMCG-specific loyalty/reward program. Configure purchase events, time-sensitive promo campaigns, and triggers to automatically send curated rewards that delight your customers.
Paso 1:
  • Entregue recompensas promocionales fácilmente a través de códigos QR, SMS, correo electrónico o WhatsApp con nuestra solución omnicanal. Llega a los consumidores allí donde son más activos.

Let savvy shoppers leap onto your retail promo offers with excitement. Xoxoday automates the reward process in just 3 steps!

Paso 1:
  • Connect our rewards platform to your PoS store, CRM/CDPs, or any tools you use in just a few clicks.
Paso 1:
  • Plan and set up your FMCG-specific loyalty/reward program. Configure purchase events, time-sensitive promo campaigns, and triggers to automatically send curated rewards that delight your customers.
Paso 1:
  • Entregue recompensas promocionales fácilmente a través de códigos QR, SMS, correo electrónico o WhatsApp con nuestra solución omnicanal. Llega a los consumidores allí donde son más activos.

Somos un socio de confianza para marcas de renombre

Escuche la voz de nuestros clientes satisfechos

Gran variedad de recompensas globales
“Our customers really like the Xoxoday rewarding process. The customer service that they offer is exceptional and commendable. But something that we loved the most was their storefront. It had all the gift categories and international brands we were looking for. That was the most important criteria for us to decide on.”
- Una popular marca de ropa
Lanzar nuestras promociones globales fue superfácil.
“Xoxoday eliminated the hassle of designing gamified mechanisms for us. They not only managed it end to end but also helped us embed rewards to our trade promotions without depending on a developer to write complex codes.”
- A global FMCG brand

La seguridad y el cumplimiento de la normativa en el centro

Xoxoday cumple las normas de certificación más exigentes para ayudar a reducir las cargas de cumplimiento de su empresa y mantener la seguridad de los pagos.
Esto es lo que ofrece Xoxoday :
HTTPS y HSTS para conexiones seguras
Programa de divulgación de vulnerabilidades y recompensas
La plataforma cumple todas las normas mundiales, incluidas WCAG, SOC II, ISO 27001, CCPA, HIPPA y GDPR.
Controles y procesos como VAPT, revisiones de código, BCP, cortafuegos, IDS, registro, supervisión, MFA, cifrado de datos y auditorías de código.