Rethink the way financial services

are delivered by creating lasting & mutually-beneficial relationships

In a highly regulated market where margins are tight and product differentiation is limited, experience is everything. For the world's most iconic financial services companies, success is not just about what is offered; it's about how it is offered. So, start crafting an exceptional experience for all your stakeholders by promoting timely financial interactions through a rewarding multi-touchpoint engagement program at your institution.
Leverage Xoxoday, a powerful rewards platform to launch incentive-powered engagement programs without any code and in minutes.

Con la confianza de empresas líderes en todo el mundo

Ofrece experiencias gratificantes específicas y personalizadas

Personalice su experiencia gratificante para clientes, socios y empleados y gratifíquelos al instante
Enhance engagement in your BFSI services
  • Introduzca experiencias de gratificación gamificadas para acciones inmediatas de los clientes (KYB, inversiones, etc.), con tarjetas de rascar, premios instantáneos, rueda de la suerte o juegos.
  • Quickly integrate campaign performance data with your CRM or any marketing automation tool you use.
Premie a sus titulares de cuentas y clientes
  • Recognize customer efforts by awarding points for each positive action and interaction or provide instant rewards for key activity or size.
  • Ensure a seamless, one-click redemption experience, ensuring swift and hassle-free reward delivery.
Lance promociones atractivas en cuestión de minutos
  • Effortlessly provide digital gifts to global clients, eliminating currency conversion hassles.
  • Empower customers by enabling them to choose their own e-gift from a vast global catalog spanning 26000+ options and 5000+ brands.
Get high security and compliance standards
  • Reduce security burdens for your business by partnering with a rewards platform that meets the highest security and compliance standards.
  • Our state-of-the-art architecture ensures 100% security, scalability, robustness, and reliability.

Setting up a rewards program with Xoxoday takes just 3 steps!

  • Set up your rewards campaign, fund your account, and craft customized emails for delivering rewards instantly.
  • Integrate our rewards platform with your consumer data platform. Or, configure trigger-based rewarding workflows based on time-based renewal event triggers.
  • 'Bulk upload' up to 10K customers (whom you want to reward to) as a single file. Send them rewards in the form of Codes, Links, or Points via Email / SMS / WhatsApp.
  • Offer them a selection of 26000+ reward options, spanning branded digital gift cards, prepaid cards, and experiential gifts.
  • Garantice una experiencia de canje de regalos rápida y con un solo clic. Controle en tiempo real el estado de entrega y canje de las recompensas, lo que facilita la toma de decisiones empresariales informadas.
  • Set up your rewards campaign, fund your account, and craft customized emails for delivering rewards instantly.
  • Integrate our rewards platform with your consumer data platform. Or, configure trigger-based rewarding workflows based on time-based renewal event triggers.
  • 'Bulk upload' up to 10K customers (whom you want to reward to) as a single file. Send them rewards in the form of Codes, Links, or Points via Email / SMS / WhatsApp.
  • Offer them a selection of 26000+ reward options, spanning branded digital gift cards, prepaid cards, and experiential gifts.
  • Garantice una experiencia de canje de regalos rápida y con un solo clic. Controle en tiempo real el estado de entrega y canje de las recompensas, lo que facilita la toma de decisiones empresariales informadas.

Rewards help drive sales, timely renewals, and a lasting brand recall

Boost customer interactions, activity, and engagement
Loyalty programs and promotions featuring attractive rewards are more likely to captivate customers, sparking excitement and engagement. This interaction strengthens their connection with your insurance brand.
Minimize profit erosion caused by discounted rates
With a loyalty program, you don’t always have to offer no-claims discounts and cashback. Instead, expand the option to allow users to burn points on a custom catalog. Save on profit erosion while presenting extended choices to your users and promoting timely actions (KYB or funds).
Inspire sales partners to win more deals
A powerful incentive program for your customers can skyrocket your sales figures. Make a combination of points-based incentive programs and instant gratification of high-value deals.

Nuestros clientes sólo tienen cosas buenas que decir de nosotros.

Xoxoday’s digital reward offerings were diverse!
“Xoxoday is our go-to solution for running incentive-powered engagement programs.The platform's simplicity and efficiency in launching compelling promotions have been instrumental in driving customer engagement and loyalty. Xoxoday's high security and compliance standards give us peace of mind, knowing that our customers' data is protected.”
– A digital health and wellness brand
Their auto-currency feature helped us reward our customers geographically!
“We wanted to run our loyalty campaigns in different geographies and sending local rewards was a problem. Thanks to Xoxoday and their team for helping us tackle this. Using their tool was a breeze and it already had an auto-currency conversion feature that took complete care without us lifting a finger. Now, every time our loyal customers shop above a certain threshold, they automatically get rewarded despite where they are located!”
– A renowned pharma business

Plataforma de nivel empresarial totalmente segura y diseñada para ampliarse

La protección de datos es de suma importancia en Xoxoday, y nos comprometemos a proporcionar a las empresas un ecosistema de fidelización seguro y conforme a las normas.

Rethink the way financial services

are delivered by creating lasting & mutually-beneficial relationships

In a highly regulated market where margins are tight and product differentiation is limited, experience is everything. For the world's most iconic financial services companies, success is not just about what is offered; it's about how it is offered. So, start crafting an exceptional experience for all your stakeholders by promoting timely financial interactions through a rewarding multi-touchpoint engagement program at your institution.
Leverage Xoxoday, a powerful rewards platform to launch incentive-powered engagement programs without any code and in minutes.
Esto es un texto dentro de un bloque div.
Esto es un texto dentro de un bloque div.
Esto es un texto dentro de un bloque div.
Enhance engagement in your BFSI services
  • Introduzca experiencias de gratificación gamificadas para acciones inmediatas de los clientes (KYB, inversiones, etc.), con tarjetas de rascar, premios instantáneos, rueda de la suerte o juegos.
  • Quickly integrate campaign performance data with your CRM or any marketing automation tool you use.
Premie a sus titulares de cuentas y clientes
  • Recognize customer efforts by awarding points for each positive action and interaction or provide instant rewards for key activity or size.
  • Ensure a seamless, one-click redemption experience, ensuring swift and hassle-free reward delivery.
Lance promociones atractivas en cuestión de minutos
  • Effortlessly provide digital gifts to global clients, eliminating currency conversion hassles.
  • Empower customers by enabling them to choose their own e-gift from a vast global catalog spanning 26000+ options and 5000+ brands.
Get high security and compliance standards
  • Reduce security burdens for your business by partnering with a rewards platform that meets the highest security and compliance standards.
  • Our state-of-the-art architecture ensures 100% security, scalability, robustness, and reliability.

Rewards help drive sales, timely renewals, and a lasting brand recall

Boost customer interactions, activity, and engagement
Loyalty programs and promotions featuring attractive rewards are more likely to captivate customers, sparking excitement and engagement. This interaction strengthens their connection with your insurance brand.
Minimize profit erosion caused by discounted rates
With a loyalty program, you don’t always have to offer no-claims discounts and cashback. Instead, expand the option to allow users to burn points on a custom catalog. Save on profit erosion while presenting extended choices to your users and promoting timely actions (KYB or funds).
Inspire sales partners to win more deals
A powerful incentive program for your customers can skyrocket your sales figures. Make a combination of points-based incentive programs and instant gratification of high-value deals.

Setting up a rewards program with Xoxoday takes just 3 steps!

  • Set up your rewards campaign, fund your account, and craft customized emails for delivering rewards instantly.
  • Integrate our rewards platform with your consumer data platform. Or, configure trigger-based rewarding workflows based on time-based renewal event triggers.
  • 'Bulk upload' up to 10K customers (whom you want to reward to) as a single file. Send them rewards in the form of Codes, Links, or Points via Email / SMS / WhatsApp.
  • Offer them a selection of 26000+ reward options, spanning branded digital gift cards, prepaid cards, and experiential gifts.
  • Garantice una experiencia de canje de regalos rápida y con un solo clic. Controle en tiempo real el estado de entrega y canje de las recompensas, lo que facilita la toma de decisiones empresariales informadas.
  • Set up your rewards campaign, fund your account, and craft customized emails for delivering rewards instantly.
  • Integrate our rewards platform with your consumer data platform. Or, configure trigger-based rewarding workflows based on time-based renewal event triggers.
  • 'Bulk upload' up to 10K customers (whom you want to reward to) as a single file. Send them rewards in the form of Codes, Links, or Points via Email / SMS / WhatsApp.
  • Offer them a selection of 26000+ reward options, spanning branded digital gift cards, prepaid cards, and experiential gifts.
  • Garantice una experiencia de canje de regalos rápida y con un solo clic. Controle en tiempo real el estado de entrega y canje de las recompensas, lo que facilita la toma de decisiones empresariales informadas.

Setting up a rewards program with Xoxoday takes just 3 steps!

Paso 1:  
  • Set up your rewards campaign, fund your account, and craft customized emails for delivering rewards instantly.
  • Integrate our rewards platform with your consumer data platform. Or, configure trigger-based rewarding workflows based on time-based renewal event triggers.
Segundo paso:
  • 'Bulk upload' up to 10K customers (whom you want to reward to) as a single file. Send them rewards in the form of Codes, Links, or Points via Email / SMS / WhatsApp.
  • Offer them a selection of 26000+ reward options, spanning branded digital gift cards, prepaid cards, and experiential gifts.
Paso 3:
  • Garantice una experiencia de canje de regalos rápida y con un solo clic. Controle en tiempo real el estado de entrega y canje de las recompensas, lo que facilita la toma de decisiones empresariales informadas.

Setting up a rewards program with Xoxoday takes just 3 steps!

Paso 1:  
  • Set up your rewards campaign, fund your account, and craft customized emails for delivering rewards instantly.
  • Integrate our rewards platform with your consumer data platform. Or, configure trigger-based rewarding workflows based on time-based renewal event triggers.
Segundo paso:  
  • 'Bulk upload' up to 10K customers (whom you want to reward to) as a single file. Send them rewards in the form of Codes, Links, or Points via Email / SMS / WhatsApp.
  • Offer them a selection of 26000+ reward options, spanning branded digital gift cards, prepaid cards, and experiential gifts.
Paso 3:  
  • Garantice una experiencia de canje de regalos rápida y con un solo clic. Controle en tiempo real el estado de entrega y canje de las recompensas, lo que facilita la toma de decisiones empresariales informadas.

Setting up a rewards program with Xoxoday takes just 3 steps!

Paso 1:
  • Set up your rewards campaign, fund your account, and craft customized emails for delivering rewards instantly.
  • Integrate our rewards platform with your consumer data platform. Or, configure trigger-based rewarding workflows based on time-based renewal event triggers.
Paso 1:
  • 'Bulk upload' up to 10K customers (whom you want to reward to) as a single file. Send them rewards in the form of Codes, Links, or Points via Email / SMS / WhatsApp.
  • Offer them a selection of 26000+ reward options, spanning branded digital gift cards, prepaid cards, and experiential gifts.
Paso 1:
  • Garantice una experiencia de canje de regalos rápida y con un solo clic. Controle en tiempo real el estado de entrega y canje de las recompensas, lo que facilita la toma de decisiones empresariales informadas.

Setting up a rewards program with Xoxoday takes just 3 steps!

Paso 1:
  • Set up your rewards campaign, fund your account, and craft customized emails for delivering rewards instantly.
  • Integrate our rewards platform with your consumer data platform. Or, configure trigger-based rewarding workflows based on time-based renewal event triggers.
Paso 1:
  • 'Bulk upload' up to 10K customers (whom you want to reward to) as a single file. Send them rewards in the form of Codes, Links, or Points via Email / SMS / WhatsApp.
  • Offer them a selection of 26000+ reward options, spanning branded digital gift cards, prepaid cards, and experiential gifts.
Paso 1:
  • Garantice una experiencia de canje de regalos rápida y con un solo clic. Controle en tiempo real el estado de entrega y canje de las recompensas, lo que facilita la toma de decisiones empresariales informadas.

Top insurance companies run their reward campaigns with us

Nuestros clientes sólo tienen cosas buenas que decir de nosotros.

Xoxoday’s digital reward offerings were diverse!
“Xoxoday is our go-to solution for running incentive-powered engagement programs.The platform's simplicity and efficiency in launching compelling promotions have been instrumental in driving customer engagement and loyalty. Xoxoday's high security and compliance standards give us peace of mind, knowing that our customers' data is protected.”
– A digital health and wellness brand
Their auto-currency feature helped us reward our customers geographically!
“We wanted to run our loyalty campaigns in different geographies and sending local rewards was a problem. Thanks to Xoxoday and their team for helping us tackle this. Using their tool was a breeze and it already had an auto-currency conversion feature that took complete care without us lifting a finger. Now, every time our loyal customers shop above a certain threshold, they automatically get rewarded despite where they are located!”
– A renowned pharma business

La seguridad y el cumplimiento de la normativa en el centro

Xoxoday cumple las normas de certificación más exigentes para ayudar a reducir las cargas de cumplimiento de su empresa y mantener la seguridad de los pagos.
Esto es lo que ofrece Xoxoday :
HTTPS y HSTS para conexiones seguras
Programa de divulgación de vulnerabilidades y recompensas
La plataforma cumple todas las normas mundiales, incluidas WCAG, SOC II, ISO 27001, CCPA, HIPPA y GDPR.
Controles y procesos como VAPT, revisiones de código, BCP, cortafuegos, IDS, registro, supervisión, MFA, cifrado de datos y auditorías de código.