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Premiado como mejor software de recompensas e incentivos por G2 crowd en 2023

Corporate incentives to align their efforts with the company’s strategic objectives

Strategically design corporate incentives to boost employee morale, retain customers, and strengthen partnerships. Create an incentive-driven program via Xoxoday and personalize the gifts based on targeted persona by going through more than 30,000+ gifting options across 26+ categories, including gift cards, experiences, and merchandise.

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Más de 3.000 clientes de todo el mundo confían en nosotros

Boost loyalty and drive repeat business with corporate incentives

Include a reward loop

Integrate all necessary components for developing products with rewards, incentives, and payouts worldwide with Xoxoday. Achieve scalability through distinctive products that deliver targeted and personalized rewarding experiences globally.

Construido a escala

Xoxoday is API-first, headless, and cloud-based. Empower your growth teams to execute diverse campaigns throughout the customer lifecycle. Get the necessary technology and know-how to craft and execute global promotions across every funnel stage.

Smart and secure

Xoxoday platforms adhere to the most stringent laws governing data protection, compliance, and regulation. The platform boasts security measures certified by SOC2 and is fully prepared to comply with CCPA regulations.

Scale with corporate incentives delightfully

Offer personalized and considerate rewards and incentives to make the onboarding process memorable for your targeted audience. Allow them to scour down a wide range of localized reward choices from over 100 countries.

Motivating your sales team by automating incentives and timely payouts. 

  • Automate commission processes, provide real-time compensation updates, offer useful insights, and ensure timely payouts.
  • Integrate CRM to use personalized gifting relevant to the targeted audience.
  • Connect with key sales accounts through strategic corporate gifting to boost renewals, cross-sales, and referrals. Offer prospects a choice in their gifts.
  • Streamline your processes by automating rebate calculations and payouts, saving finance teams time and minimizing errors. 
  • Utilize a flexible workflow engine to create and implement ecosystem processes efficiently.

Launch reward campaigns effortlessly

  • Roll out unique promotional campaigns worldwide, and drive consumer action instantly. 
  • Implement rule-based points programs to reward customers for specific actions. Give points for any custom event, behavior, transaction, or time. 
  • Incentivize top customers with VIP treatment and exclusive experiences using Xoxoday. 
  • Empower word-of-mouth marketing with trigger-based automation. Easily manage and reward referrers and referees while automating the distribution of unique reward codes.

Promote engagement between teams

  • Provide automated rewards powered by artificial intelligence, operating on a vast global marketplace. Reward employees in over 100 countries.
  • Whether you are offering employee incentive programs for a small business or a large one, reward your employees at different stages of their journey.
  • Automate digital gifts easily in three simple steps. Customize your rewards emails or web pages with your brand's identity, and track the delivery of each gift in real time with detailed reports.
  • Integrate Xoxoday with your HR technology stack to efficiently manage reward and incentive programs. Ensure a seamless exchange of data between the two systems and minimize errors.

Integrate corporate incentives program directly with your tech stack

Get access to rewards across 100 countries. Tailor your corporate incentives program to support different languages and currencies depending on your specific needs and circumstances and get:


categories directly in the flow of your applications




* Respaldado por métricas de uso del producto y encuestas a los usuarios.
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Informes exhaustivos

Reciba informes en su bandeja de entrada o utilice nuestro panel de control para obtener información sobre el éxito de su programa de recompensas.


Trascienda geografías sin problemas de conversión. Entrega regalos electrónicos en la divisa que prefieras.

Seguridad y conformidad

Xoxoday cumple las normas de certificación más estrictas para ayudar a reducir las cargas que supone para su empresa el cumplimiento de la normativa.

Soporte por el que apuestan los equipos

Asistencia 24*7 con un tiempo de respuesta del 99,9%. Asistencia de configuración, asistencia de canje, chat y ayuda por correo electrónico.

Excelente atención al cliente
La plataforma es fácil de usar y tiene una interfaz de usuario intuitiva. Excelente atención al cliente. Nunca he tenido ningún problema.
Gratificante para los RRHH, encantador para los empleados
Accenture- El reconocimiento va más allá de cualquier compensación económica que cualquier persona pueda recibir, ya que se convierte en un momento tan enriquecedor para esa persona y hace que su tiempo en la organización merezca la pena.
Equipos reactivos con un 100% de disponibilidad
Xoxoday ha sido muy receptivo hasta ahora, ya sea resolviendo un imprevisto urgente o cualquier requisito. Sus API respondieron muy bien con un tiempo de actividad del 100%.
Gran variedad de recompensas globales
A nuestros empleados les gusta mucho el proceso de recompensa de Xoxoday . El servicio de atención al cliente que ofrecen es excepcional y encomiable. Ese fue el criterio más importante para decidirnos por ellos.
Un superpoder para los especialistas en marketing de crecimiento
Xoxoday es esa superpotencia con la que todo vendedor en crecimiento puede hacer mucho más. Xoxoday ha sido un gran valor añadido para Xero. Hemos logrado un crecimiento interanual del 20 %, lo que supone un rendimiento brillante para nosotros.

Improve personalized engagement across industries with Xoxoday corporate incentives

Integrate Xoxoday to develop customized loyalty and engagement programs across various industries. Based on user achievements, allow efficient point management, including distribution, tracking, and redemption, and record a 60% reward implementation reduction time and 3 times more retention in the industry segment.

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Enlaces rápidos

Soluciones de recompensa
Tarjetas regalo de marca
