Le NIIT améliore l'expérience des employés en matière de récompenses

Le NIIT a amélioré l'expérience des employés de sorte que 600 d'entre eux sont maintenant récompensés chaque année avec un taux de rachat de 90 %. Vérifiez comment.


Prior to using Xoxoday, NIIT's employee engagement efforts were limited, and they faced challenges in implementing an effective and robust reward program to motivate their educators across multiple locations. Furthermore,

  • The only mode of engagement was through vendor-supplied vouchers for internal competitions.
  • As the organization grew, a high-quality reward program was needed to motivate educators.
  • Geographical spread and the large number of users made efficient rewarding and customer service crucial.
“The best thing about Xoxoday is their service it is extremely quick.”“The best thing about Xoxoday is their service it is extremely quick.”

Le NIIT améliore l'expérience des employés en matière de récompenses

Average value of employee rewarded per year
Workforce rewarded
Reward redemption

"Variety of options and services really contribute to the happiness of the employees. Xoxoday takes a lot of trouble to ensure their services are seamless."

Aman Utkarsh
Human Resources Executive, NIIT Limited


Prior to using Xoxoday, NIIT's employee engagement efforts were limited, and they faced challenges in implementing an effective and robust reward program to motivate their educators across multiple locations. Furthermore,

  • The only mode of engagement was through vendor-supplied vouchers for internal competitions.
  • As the organization grew, a high-quality reward program was needed to motivate educators.
  • Geographical spread and the large number of users made efficient rewarding and customer service crucial.

NIIT improves employee rewards experience with Xoxoday

NIIT achieved significant improvements in employee experience and satisfaction after the implementation of Xoxoday’s reward platform. Extensive redemption options allowed employees to choose unique rewards tailored to their preferences. 


Average value of employee rewarded per year


Workforce rewarded


Reward redemption
“The best thing about Xoxoday is their service it is extremely quick.”
"Variety of options and services really contribute to the happiness of the employees. Xoxoday takes a lot of trouble to ensure their services are seamless."
Aman Utkarsh
Human Resources Executive, NIIT Limited


Average value of employee rewarded per year


Workforce rewarded


Reward redemption
A propos de 

NIIT est une entreprise de premier plan dans le domaine du développement des compétences et des talents, qui constitue un réservoir de main-d'œuvre répondant aux exigences de l'industrie mondiale. La société, qui a été créée en 1981 pour aider le secteur naissant de l'informatique à surmonter ses problèmes de ressources humaines, se classe aujourd'hui parmi les principales sociétés de formation du monde grâce à sa gamme vaste et complète de programmes de développement des talents. Présent dans 40 pays, NIIT offre des solutions de formation et de développement aux particuliers, aux entreprises et aux institutions.

L'industrie :
Région :
Cas d'utilisation :
L'expérience des employés
Caractéristiques utilisées :
Reward Distribution, Reward Marketplace, Gift Cards, Experiences, Merchandize 
“The best thing about Xoxoday is their service it is extremely quick.”
"Variety of options and services really contribute to the happiness of the employees. Xoxoday takes a lot of trouble to ensure their services are seamless."
Aman Utkarsh
Human Resources Executive, NIIT Limited


Prior to using Xoxoday, NIIT's employee engagement efforts were limited, and they faced challenges in implementing an effective and robust reward program to motivate their educators across multiple locations. Furthermore,

  • The only mode of engagement was through vendor-supplied vouchers for internal competitions.
  • As the organization grew, a high-quality reward program was needed to motivate educators.
  • Geographical spread and the large number of users made efficient rewarding and customer service crucial.


NIIT leveraged Xoxoday’s diverse global reward marketplace to address it’s challenges and improve employee experience significantly.

  • Grand winners had access to a broad range of choices, including experiences and brand products.
  • Exceptional customer service with quick and easy resolution of issues through effective automation.
  • Seamless service delivery ensured immediate closure of concerns, contributing to employee satisfaction.


NIIT achieved significant improvements in employee experience and satisfaction after the implementation of Xoxoday’s reward platform.

  • Extensive redemption options allowed employees to choose unique rewards tailored to their preferences.
  • Exceptional customer service and prompt issue resolution had a positive impact on employee satisfaction.
  • NIIT successfully enhanced the employee experience by utilizing Xoxoday's wide variety of redemption options and customer service.