Motivate more people to donate by offering appealing rewards, such as gift cards, experiences, or vouchers. Parse through more than 26,000+ gifting options across 26+ categories to acknowledge the donor's contribution.
Get a vast catalog of rewards that can be customized to suit donors' preferences. This includes gift cards, experiences, vouchers, and more. Organizations can select rewards that align with their donor base and mission.
Automate the process of delivering rewards to donors. Instantly trigger the distribution of the chosen reward after each donation and eliminate the need for manual intervention.
Personalize the rewards through the storefront to enhance the donor experience. Tailor rewards are based on factors such as donation amount, frequency of donations, or specific donor preferences.
Reward the individual donations or matching donations made by the employees, clients, or customers to increase employee engagement. Engage donation rewards to create a positive association with the cause. Deliver a diverse catalog of donation options, allowing donors to choose the charity or cause that aligns with their interests.
Integrate charity & donations into the reward program without needing separate platforms or manual transfers using several payout options, including donations to pre-selected charities. So far, we have:
Reciba informes en su bandeja de entrada o utilice nuestro panel de control para obtener información sobre el éxito de su programa de recompensas.
Trascienda geografías sin problemas de conversión. Entrega regalos electrónicos en la divisa que prefieras.
Xoxoday cumple las normas de certificación más estrictas para ayudar a reducir las cargas que supone para su empresa el cumplimiento de la normativa.
Asistencia 24*7 con un tiempo de respuesta del 99,9%. Asistencia de configuración, asistencia de canje, chat y ayuda por correo electrónico.
Demonstrate the values you hold and the appreciation you have with donation rewards. Foster a deeper connection between donors and the cause. Integrate Xoxoday into a donation campaign to engage donor rewards, help organizations attract more donors, and increase engagement and participation.