Embrace a new era of liquidity with digital gift cards. Seamlessly convert cryptocurrency holdings into digital gift cards, unlocking endless opportunities to spend their digital assets. Go through 5000+ brands in 25+ categories, including gift cards, experiences, and merchandise.
Provide immediate access to digital gift cards encompassing a diverse array of merchants and services to cryptocurrency users to utilize their digital assets in many ways that span various domains such as shopping, dining, entertainment, and beyond.
Xoxoday APIs offer seamless integration into your existing suite of daily work tools to cater to varied users from different sectors to improve user experience through its intuitive architecture.
Xoxoday API integration allows users to access the reward marketplace in a personalized way. The rewards are organized based on location and value, specific product features such as points, code-based rewards, and link-based rewards.
Provide a new avenue for cryptocurrency utilization to increase trading activity and drive growth for your platform.
Maintain security, scalability, and compliance with web crypto API to ensure that transaction management occurs within a secure environment and notice
Lassen Sie sich Berichte in Ihren Posteingang schicken oder nutzen Sie unser Dashboard, um Informationen über den Erfolg Ihres Prämienprogramms zu erhalten.
Überwinden Sie geografische Grenzen ohne Umrechnungsschwierigkeiten. Liefern Sie E-Geschenke in der von Ihnen bevorzugten Währung.
Xoxoday Plattform erfüllt die höchsten Zertifizierungsstandards und trägt dazu bei, den Aufwand für die Einhaltung von Vorschriften in Ihrem Unternehmen zu verringern.
24*7-Support mit 99,9 % Reaktionszeit. Unterstützung bei der Einrichtung, Unterstützung bei der Einlösung, Chat und E-Mail-Hilfe.
Go beyond the geographical barrier without any conversion hassles. Empower your users, maximize liquidity, and unlock a world of possibilities for cryptocurrency exchange with Xoxoday API integration.