Loyalty catalyst in a burgeoning e-commerce landscape

The only thing better than a smooth shopping cart experience is redeemable awards that convert first-time consumers into repeat buyers.

Loyalty catalyst in a burgeoning e-commerce landscape

The only thing better than a smooth shopping cart experience is redeemable awards that convert first-time consumers into repeat buyers.

Loyalty catalyst in a burgeoning e-commerce landscape

The only thing better than a smooth shopping cart experience is redeemable awards that convert first-time consumers into repeat buyers.

Spreading delight to 2M+ users with 5000+ businesses

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Possibilities are limited to your imagination

E-commerce companies across segments use Xoxoday technology to send out rewards, incentives and payouts, for employees, customers and partners.

Making delight the cornerstone of online shopping

The cornerstone of our concept is to create value-adds that are not only memorable but also contribute to the longevity of our clients' businesses. Through our catalog universe, we are able to provide a personalized and richer redemption experience for your shoppers.

Celebrating social media followers

Gathering followers will help you improve carting experience from their opinions and conversations. But, if you care about building followers who care about your brand spread delight that rewards feedbacks and engagement.

Incentivize your respondents for higher response rates

Turning the frown upside down with refund + rewards

Pleasing unhappy customers is a mean feat and in an industry that sees high return rates, there’s no time to sleep over it. Bundle refund communications with rewards to turn negative sentiments into positive ones.

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Rewards galore for referrals

If you want to give back to your brand advocates, our developer-friendly API brings delight that  your referrals will appreciate. Not only do referrers earn a piece of the incentive pie, but so do the referred. And when incentives are reciprocal, advocates create more advocates.

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Incentivizing people who believe opinions have an effect 

Motivating survey takers is not as easy as dangling a carrot before a horse. To turn inaction into action, incentivization is the key. We bet ours is seamless to automate and quick to scale. A rewards enablement program that pays for school of thoughts.

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Why do eCommerce companies love us?

Complete ownership of your success

Your reward system, however you want, can be managed with zero risk and need for technology stack or infrastructure. Choose from over 21000 rewards and 70+ categories to customize benefits that matter to the rewarded

Direct two-way sync with SAP

Get detailed reports on redemption rates, point balances, and accounts touched to calibrate your reward campaigns on the go. We know you hate brainfreeze. So we won't overload your screen patch with more than what you need to see.


Getting your rewards set up for distribution is 30% faster with our lean API. If developing a complex catalog isn’t your thing we’ll have ours integrated to your CRM, digital touchpoints or workflows with features tailored for your market.

Integrations that work like a charm

The most modular platform functionalities of Xoxoday rewards are now accessible as integrations on your preferred platform - easy as flipping the switch.

No-code API

Our no-code API brings a rich and lightweight reward catalog to your CRM or website without the need for infrastructure. Start integrating today to begin automating the reward experience!

Your safety, our responsibility

Multi-currency transactions may be frustrating but not at Xododay because we accept most currencies. With an established procedure, our platform exceeds the compliance to open banking API.

Encryption of sensitive data
HTTPS and HSTS for secure connections
Vulnerability disclosure and reward programme

Reward value of over

$3 million

Distributed in one quarter

Increased rewarding efficiency


of employees nominated

Sent Maximum Rewards within

6 weeks

of implementing  automation workflows